10th Pavia Graduate Conference

in Political Philosophy

3-4 September 2012


Sponsored by

Tolleranza come eguale rispetto (PRIN 2008),

HDCP-IRC, Human Development, Capability and Poverty International Research Centre, at the Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia, and by

‘Feeding’ Respect (FIRB 2010), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Pavia

Under the joint patronage of the Italian Society for Political Philosophy and the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy




Plenary Session (Aula Grande)

Chair: Ian Carter (Università di Pavia)

Serena Olsaretti (ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), The Foundations of Libertarianism


1. Egalitarianism (Aula Grande)

Chair: Enrico Biale (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli)

Richard Penny (University of Southampton), Interpreting the Difference Principle through the Lens of Self-Respect

Jessica Begon (University of Sheffield), Well-being, Public Policy and the Capability Approach

2. Bioethics (Aula Leoni)

Chair: Nicola Riva (Università di Milano)

Gabriele Badano (University College London), What we Really Owe to Each Other in the Protection of Health: Beyond Accountability for Reasonableness

Christopher Wareham (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia e Università di Milano), Distributing Life: Justice, Life-Extension and a Fair Innings


3. Theories of democracy (Aula Grande)

Chair: Giulia Bistagnino (Università di Milano)

Juliette Roussin (Universitè Paris I Sorbonne-Panthéon), Should Democracy Defer to its Experts?

Marit Böcker (University of Essex), The Social Embeddednes of Autonomy within Liberal Societies: Insights from Contemporary Democracy Theory

 4. Environmental justice (Aula Leoni)

Chair: Pamela Pansardi (Università di Pavia)

Selina O’Doherty (University of Wales, Newport), The Green Responsibility to Protect? Justifying Pre-Emptive Humanitarian Intervention in Environmental Cases?

Ashley Dodsworth (University of Leicester), The Right to a Threshold Level of Environmental Capability


5. Voluntariness and responsibility (Aula Grande)

Chair: Laura Lo Coco (King’s College)

Asbjørn Aagaard Schmidt (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Voluntariness and Responsibility: Challenging the Connection

Federico Faroldi (Università di Pavia), Rethinking Criminal Law: Responsibility Revised

6. Democracy and civil society (Aula Leoni)

Chair: Enrico Zoffoli (Universitaet Darmstadt)

Guy Aitchison (University College London), What’s Political about Rights? A Social Movement-Based Approach

David Ragazzoni (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa), Public Opinion as Popular Sovereignty: Reactivating the Represented People in Liberal Democracy through Lippmann, Schmitt and Dewey



7. Intergenerational and global justice (Aula Grande)

Chair: Irene Ottonello (Università di Genova)

Ioana Petre (Central European University, Budapest), Genetic Justice and Future Generations

Elizabeth Finneron-Burns (Oxford University), Scanlonian Contractualism and the Non-identity Problem

8. Oppression and non-domination (Aula Leoni)

Chair: Elena Alonzo (Università di Genova)

Nicholas Kirby (Oxford University), Defending Republican Liberty: What is the Difference Between a Disinterested Gentle Giant and Deterred Criminal?

Francesco Chiesa (University of Wales, Newport), Recognition of what? From Cultures to Contexts


9. Exploitation (Aula Grande)

Chair: Miriam Ronzoni (Universitaet Frankfurt)

James Hall (Oxford University), Can Luck Egalitarians Condemn Exploitation?

Benjamin Ferguson (London School of Economics), What Exploitation Isn’t

10. Requirements of normative theory (Aula Leoni)

Chair: Francesca Pasquali (Università di Milano) 

Guglielmo Feis (Università di Milano), Is “Ought implies Can” a Secondary or Higher Order Norm?

Federica Liveriero (Università LUISS, Roma), An Anti-Platonic Account of Moral Justification


Plenary Session (Aula Grande)

Chair: Emanuela Ceva (Università di Pavia)

Thomas Scanlon (Harvard University), Ideas of the Good in Moral and Political Philosophy