Some facts … which should really make you thinking!!
MIT Technology Review (May 2013): AM is one of the 10 breakthrough technologies in 2013, pointing out that “GE, the world’s largest manufacturer, is on the verge of using 3-D printing to make jet parts”.
McKinsey (May 2013): in a document entitled “Disruptive Technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy”, 3D printing is listed as one of the 12 disruptive technologies of the future (with Advanced Materials being another one out of the 12!)
Forbes (Sept 2014): “35% of all ads posted for engineering jobs in the last 30 days prioritize 3D printing and AM as the most sought-after skill” and “the number of job ads requiring workers with 3D printing skills increased 1,834% in 4 years and 103% when comparing August 2014 to August 2013”
McKinsey Quarterly (Jan 2014): “The advantages of 3D printing over other manufacturing technologies could lead to profound changes in the way many things are designed, developed, produced, and supported”. Moreover, data shows that in 2013 the 29% of 3D printers is used for the production of end components (see Fig.1)
Up today to our knowledge in Italy (unlike other countries, among others USA – Fig.2) there is no industrial district or university, which has set AM as a target activity!!