Ministero dei Beni delle Attivitą Culturali e del Turismo Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali


In the Library rooms are available to users dictionaries and directories, newspapers and magazines, reference works and support studies that can be taken independently.

All other documents can be consulted by filling a request. The collocations are always available except that the volume placed in the external stores for which a reservation is recommended:

Otherwise it is not guaranteed in the consultation day.

The locations stored in external warehouses are:

Atti Acc. B 64
Atti Parl. (da A 1 a A 34; da B 1 a B 23)
Banc. Est. (da 79 A a 83 F)
Banc. Int. (da 79 A a 83 E)
Boll. 1
Boll. 2
Coll. Diss. Med. (Dissertazioni Mediche)
Dep. Riv. (da 1 a 708)
Pub. Uff. (in 8° da 1 a 341; in 4° da 1 a 318)
Riv. A 444
86 Q
Cons. Riv. 01
Cons. Riv. 02
Cons. Riv. 03
De Giorgi
Ann. Ita.
Fondo Mazzini
M.M. Riv.
Riv. A 720
M.M. Per.