Ministero dei Beni delle Attivitą Culturali e del Turismo Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali

Facilities for disabled people

Servizi per disabili della Biblioteca Universitaria di Pavia

People with motor difficulties can reach the Library by lift, placed at the University entrance in Corso Carlo Alberto (corner with Strada Nuova).

Multimedia Room is provided with four seats designed for disabled people and provided with assistive devices for blind and visually handicapped people:

  • display Braille: a device which converts to Braille alphabet what appears on screen
  • magnification program: allows the user to enlarge everything on computer screen.

Since 2007 the library has been taking part of the Libro Parlato Lions project, and provides disabled users (blind and visually handicapped people, dyslexics) with a workspace in which they can consult, download and borrow audiobooks.