About us


(Milan, 1980) is a Research Fellow in Romance Philology at the University of Pavia. After a three-year experience as chercheur associé to the chair of “Littératures de la France médiévale” at the Collège de France, since 2014 he is the PI of the Futuro in Ricerca (FIR 2013) research project on “Identity and Alterity in the European Literature of the Middle Ages: vocabulary, topoi, metaphoric fields”.

The main focuses of his investigations, which accord major importance to textual and material philology as well as to languages, genres and registers hybridization, are medieval lyric poetry (in particular troubadour poems), French didactic verse production and the cultural milieu of 13th century Arras.

Contact him:

E-Mail: federico.saviotti@unipv.it

Web site: https://unipv.academia.edu/FedericoSaviotti



(Pavia, 1981) is a Research Fellow at the University of Verona in the context of the project DASCABIDA (“From the Carolingian scriptorium to Dante’s library”), that aims for the descriptions and digitalization of some of the most important manuscripts preserved in the Biblioteca Capitolare. His studies focus on the textual tradition of Marco Polo’s Devisement dou monde – in particular on the philological and linguistic problems involving the latin version Z –, the literary testimonies of northern Italy dialects in 13th and 14th century and the circulation of Sicilian poetry and medieval French and Occitan literature in Northern Italy. He also studies the fragments of romance manuscripts kept in Lombard libraries and archives.

Contact him:

E-Mail: giusemask@gmail.com

Web site: http://uinvr.academia.edu/GiuseppeMascherpa



(Padova, 1976) is  lecturer at Sapienza University of Rome, Dipartimento di Studi europei, americani e interculturali, where she coordinates the Fir project’s Unit dedicated to Epic and Romance.

She has a Phd in Filologia, linguistica e letteratura at Sapienza, with a dissertation about the editorial strategies of political propaganda in chivalric works printed in 15th and 16th centuries in Italy. During her Phd course she spent one year at the  University of Reading, studying history and design of the early printed book. From 2009 to 2011 she was Marie Curie Fellow at Royal Holloway University of London. She is part of the feminist workshop  “A.R. Simeone – Sguardi sulle differenze” at Sapienza.

Her research interests deal with the epic and chivalric tradition in Italy, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, with a particular focus on popular anonimous work, as Altobello, Persiano by Francesco Cieco from Florence, Falconetto, Trabisonda, Ancroia, Rovenza), on Morgante by Luigi Pulci, on Orlando innamorato by Boiardo and its reception, on Mambriano by Francesco Cieco from Ferrara and on Orlando furioso by Ariosto. She edited and published books and papers on the representation of the enemy and the Other in chivalric literature, and on the relationships between chivalric literature and the political context in 15th and 16th centuries.

Contact her:

E-Mail: annalisa.perrotta@gmail.com

Web sites: https://uniroma1.academia.edu/AnnalisaPerrotta



(Sassari, 1977) is a Research Associate and Lecturer at the Università di Sassari, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali. Since 2014, he is responsible for a research unit within the Futuro in Ricerca (FIR 2013) research project on “Identity and Alterity in the European Literature of the Middle Ages: vocabulary, topoi, metaphoric fields”.

He has focused his attention on the poetic texts of Romance origins, the relationships between textuality and oral traditions and on religious literature. In this regard, in particular, he studied collections of sermons, brotherhood books of the Disciplinati and treatises on the Holy Land.

Contact him:

E-Mail: giovanni.strinna@gmail.com

Web site: http://uniss.academia.edu/GiovanniStrinna



(Roma, 1986) is a Research Fellow at Sapienza Università di Roma. He received his PhD in Romance Philology (Sapienza University, 2013). His post-doctoral researches (Université Catholique de Louvain, 2013-2015, Ecole nationale des chartes, 2016 and Sapienza from 2017) concerns the textual and manuscript tradition of medieval Latin and Romance literature [Gli anni della tradizione: testi, codici e culture (secc. XII ex.-XIV in.). Capitoli per una storia materiale, Roma 2017], narrative genre, stylistic analysis of vernacular prose, Romance reception of philosophical and greek-arabic traditions, vernacular translations and Dante studies.

Contact him:

E-Mail: lorenzo.mainini@libero.it

Web site: https://uniroma.academia.edu/LorenzoMainini