Task 5.1 Stakeholder Analysis (EES-UNIPV)
- Stakeholder Netwok Analysis performed with the Net Map toolbox (Schiffer and Waale, 2008)
- Identification of the key stakeholders involved in the studied area and assessments of their links, power relations and potential conflicts
- Strengthen the dialogue among, scientists, decision makers and civil society.

Net-Map Elaboration with the research team (Photo: Re V., 2016)
Task 5.2 Elaboration of the home page of the project and activities in the main social networks (EES- UNIPV)
Task 5.3 Participation to national and international meetings, and publication in international, peer- reviewed journals (LS-UNIPR, EES-UNIPV, CNR-IRSA)
Task 5.4 Webinars (LS-UNIPR, CNR-IRSA, EES-UNIPV)
Task 5.5 Elaboration of guidelines and thematic maps (LS-UNIPR, CNR-IRSA, EES-UNIPV)
Task 5.6 Elaboration and organization of the dissemination activities for the project results (LS-UNIPR, EES-UNIPV, CNR-IRSA)