WP 2 – Evaluation of groundwater contamination and residence time in the aquifers from the higher plain

Task 2.1 – Available data collection and treatment 

  • Data on groundwater quality retrieved from the Regional Environmental Protection Agencies (ARPA Piemonte and Lombardia), other local authorities (Provinces) and from water supply companies.
  • Data will be treated to evidence the extent of groundwater contamination by nutrients, and the tendency to increasing or decreasing contents (trend analysis).
  • Selected wells displaying varying nitrate contamination levels will be sampled to test the presence of dissolved phosphates.

Task 2.2 – Groundwater dating 

  • In each investigated basin, two transects of aligned wells, tapping the unconfined aquifer and extending from the foothills to the outflow area will be identified.
  • Well logs will be retrieved form the TANGRAM database  and processed to reconstruct the reservoir geometry.
  • About 5 hydraulically connected wells per transect will be selected, sampled and analyzed using a combination of hydrochemical and isotopic tools available for dating recent groundwater (e.g. Tritium, T/3He, CFCs, SF6). This will allow establishing the groundwater residence time and apparent flow velocity.