Ministero dei Beni delle Attivitą Culturali e del Turismo Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali

Miscellanea Ticinensia

Miscellanea TicinensiaIt is a collection of 630 documents regarding the area of Pavia either handwritten or printed, in 37 volumes each fitted with a manuscript index . Very few belong to the period prior to the XVII century, most of them dating back to the XVII and XVIII centuries, although there are testimonies related to the early XIX century.

The Miscellanea probably entered part of the heritage of the University Library around 1822, when part of the library of the historian and scholar Siro Comi was acquired.

The content within the material it is extremely heterogeneous: news relating to the rules of professional colleges of the city in modern times, written on the functioning and organization of the University of Pavia, documents confirming the privileges and social standing of university teachers. Worthy of mention are also the writings of a medical nature, generally belonging to the XVIII century and expression of the attempt made by the medicine of time to pass over Galenic’ s theory forward the new physiological hypotheses. Equally interesting the botanical texts, also published in the late XVIII century mirroring the lively debate going on around the classification and naming of plants. Finally, the Miscellanea retains some theological content works, numerous writings of a legal nature, in particular allegations and opinions expressed by academics and legal experts on specific issues generally related to current problems. Of the Miscellanea There is a manuscript inventory.

spunta_ rossaDownload the Inventory of Miscellanea Ticinensia icona pdf (PDF - 11,7 mb)

spunta_ rossaDownload the text of Miscellanea Ticinensia icona pdf (PDF - 3,3 mb) by Antonia Pasi Testa and consult the Index icona pdf (PDF - 3,7 mb). Excerpt of Cultura e vita universitaria nelle miscellanee Belcredi, Giardini e Ticinensia, Milano, Istituto editoriale Cisalpino-La goliardica, 1986