Ministero dei Beni delle Attivitą Culturali e del Turismo Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali

Corradi Stock

Alfonso CorradiPurchased by the University Library in 1893, the Corradi collection is the most important collection arrived intact to the Library. Containing around 10,000 volumes and 13,000 pamphlets, it is divided into two main sections: medical subject (about 4,000 volumes and 7,000 brochures) and historical-literature (about 6,000 volumes and 6,000 brochures). The latter is moreover divided into four collections: rare editions and Della Crusca (about 1,400 volumes), letters and publications for wedding (about 1,100 volumes and 61 envelopes, brochures), praise and biographies (some 700 volumes and 41 envelopes brochures), municipal stories (about 1,000 volumes).

Distinguished figure of doctor and scholar of many interests, Corradi devoted himself mainly to the history of medicine, which he conceived as an indispensable source to the overall advancement of medical science.
Hence the richness of its bibliographic collection that preserves, next to the texts used in his research and in particular for the preparation of his most famous work, Annali delle epidemie occorse in Italia dalle prime memorie fino al 1850 (Bologna, 1865-1894; location: Corr. 85 E 41), also texts of different subject as the classics of Italian literature and a vast collection of correspondence.

The collection, which includes 19 incunabula almost all of medical topic, contains works published mainly in the XVIII and XIX centuries, although there are numerous editions of the XVII century. The extension language goes from Italian to Latin, French, German.

Volumes and pamphlets, cataloged with a specific signature (Corradi, in fact) in the general register of the Library, are also present in a manuscript catalogue in four volumes, digitalised in the year 2005 and visible on the web.

Biographical note of Alfonso Corradi

Find in Catalogo del Fondo Corradi