Course contents
"Rome and Italy in the first half of the 14h century: the Cronica by the Anonimo romano"
The "Cronica" written about 1358 in Roman dialect by an anonymous author has been called a "masterpiece" in the context of late medieval Italian historical writing. The author, a writer with an exceptional literary talent, presents a series of very lively narrations of events which had taken place in Rome, Italy, France and the Mediterranean between the 1320s and 1350s. On the base of selected passages from the "Cronica" and comparable texts the seminar proposes an approach which combines historical and literary methods of interpretation. Thus it intends not only to deepen the knowledge of the history of Italy and Europe in the 14th century, but also to develop the students' methodological tools for reading critically historiographical texts of the Middle Ages. As a matter of fact, the manuscript tradition of the "Cronica" is not totally convincing, in such a way that recently some scholars have cast doubt on its authenticity putting forth the hypothesis that it might have been produced only in the 16th century.
Reccomended or required readings
Reading for students who will attend the class:
1) notes from the lessons
2) Anonimo romano, Cronica, edizione critica a cura di Giuseppe Porta, Milano, Adelphi, 1979 (Classici, 40), passages selected fot the lessons
3) Gustav Seibt, Anonimo romano. Scrivere la storia alle soglie del Rinascimento, ed. ital. a cura di Roberto delle Donne (trad. di Cristina Colotto), Roma, Viella, 2000 (orig. German edition: Stuttgart, Klett, 1992)
4) Amanda Collins, Cola di Rienzo, the Lateran Basilica, and the Lex de imperio of Vespasian, in "Mediaeval Studies", 60 (1998), pp. 159-183
Reading for students who will not attend the class:
1) Anonimo romano, Cronica, edizione critica a cura di Giuseppe Porta, Milano, Adelphi, 1979 (Classici, 40)
2) one of the following two works (to be chosen):
- Andreas Rehberg, Clientele e fazioni nell'azione politica di Cola di Rienzo, Roma 2004 (Roma nel Rinascimento: Inedita, 33/1)
- Marco Fossati / Alessandro Ceresatto, La Lombardia alla ricerca di uno Stato, in Comuni e signorie nell’Italia settentrionale: la Lombardia, a cura di Giancarlo Andenna et al.,Torino 1998 (Storia dell’Italia UTET 6), pp. 483–572
3) Gustav Seibt, Anonimo romano. Scrivere la storia alle soglie del Rinascimento, ed. ital. a cura di Roberto delle Donne (trad. di Cristina Colotto), Roma, Viella, 2000 (orig. German edition: Stuttgart, Klett, 1992)
4) Amanda Collins, Cola di Rienzo, the Lateran Basilica, and the Lex de imperio of Vespasian, in "Mediaeval Studies", 60 (1998), pp. 159-183