Learning outcomes
This course aims at illustrating the diachronic aspects of educational phenomena of particular significance today and throughout history; it also aims at highlighting the historical nexus between pedagogical experience and philosophical knowledge, mainly as far as institutions and projects were concerned.
This class is also designed to illustrate some specific methods of historical reconstruction of facts and ideas that are peculiar to didactic experiences, applying such analysis to a specific group of events; it also aims at analyzing past experiences not strictly institutional in an attempt to clarify their educational function with reference to their social and cultural ecology.
Course contents
This class will take place during the first half of the first semester.
Course title: "The court as an educational laboratory in late medieval and modern Europe". The course will discuss the court (in late medieval and modern Europe) as the educational site where, for education mainly of the princes but not solely for them, teaching practices and strategies were created and implemented by blending tradition and innovation, which translated into long-term pedagogical models that have left a sign on the educational pathways of the West.
Reccomended or required readings
Academic year 2016-2017. Course title: "The court as an educational laboratory in late medieval and modern Europe". Reference texts (in the editions that will become available): Attending students will choose 2 volumes from those indicated below, while non-attending ones will choose 3 :
A. Cagnolati, a cura di, La formazione delle élites in Europa dal Rinascimento alla Restaurazione, Roma, Aracne, 2012.
M. Ferrari, a cura di, Costumi educativi nelle corti europee (XIV-XVIII secolo), Pavia, Pavia University Press, 2010.
M. Ferrari, Lo specchio, la pagina, le cose. Congegni pedagogici tra ieri e oggi, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011.
M. P. Paoli, a cura di, Itinerari del sapere nell’Europa moderna, sezione monografica della rivista “Annali di storia dell’educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche”, 20, 2013.
L. Vanni, Il cortigiano. Un modello formativo del Cinquecento italiano, Roma, Anicia, 2013.
In addition to these texts everybody must read:
Erasmo da Rotterdam, Institutio principis christiani- L’educazione del principe cristiano, a cura di D. Canfora, Bari, Edizioni di Pagina, 2009.