Course contents
Title: Theories and practice of communication in educational contexts.
This course will consist of two parts: the first one will focus on presenting the theoretical backgrounds, the assumptions and the methodologies of effective communication, especially those of the systemic approach and the non-directive one; the second one will focus on teaching students to conduct non-directive interviews and to analyze conversations between teachers and pupils.
Reccomended or required readings
For students who will NOT ATTEND class:
Students who will be unable to attend class will study for the exam on following texts:
L. Lumbelli, Comunicazione non autoritaria, Milano, Angeli (chapters.2.3.4)
J. H. Beavin, D. D. Jackson, P. Watzlawick, Pragmatica della comunicazione umana, Astrolabio (chapters 2, 3, 6).
T. Gordon, Insegnanti efficaci, Giunti
For students who WILL ATTEND class:
Students attending class will be able to sit an oral exam according to a study plan personalized and agreed upon as the class unfolds choosing among the following texts:
L. Lumbelli, Comunicazione non autoritaria, Milano, Angeli
L. Lumbelli, “Un approccio alla valutazione formativa: per una metodologia dell’interrogazione orale”, Scuola e Città, 1990, 1, 8-18
E. Mignosi, La scuola dell’infanzia a Palermo (cap. 7, par. 7.1. I presupposti metodologici delle interviste, pp.98-111), Azzano S. Paolo (BG), Edizioni Junior
K. Rogers, La terapia centrata sul cliente, Martinelli
A. Bondioli, M.P. Gusmini, E. Schietroma, La comunicazione non direttiva: dalla formazione dell’insegnante di sostegno all’uso didattico, in A. Bondioli, M. Ferrari, M. Marsilio, I. Tacchini, I saperi del tirocinio, FrancoAngeli?
J. H. Beavin, D. D. Jackson, P. Watzlawick, Pragmatica della comunicazione umana, Astrolabio
T. Gordon, Insegnanti efficaci, Giunti editori
Assessment methods
The final exam will be oral; for students who will have attended the class the exam will focus on the study plan agreed upon as the class unfolds (students must also carry out an exercize); for students not attending class, it will focus on the texts as indicated in the bibliography
Further information
The final exam will be oral; for students who will have attended the class the exam will focus on the study plan agreed upon as the class unfolds (students must also carry out an exercize); for students not attending class, it will focus on the texts as indicated in the bibliography