Learning outcomes
This course will provide appropriate knowledge of the language, themes and techniques of medieval Provencal literature and in particular of the troubadour lyric, through the philological and linguistic analysis of the most important texts.
Course contents
Titolo del corso: Aspects of Parody in Troubadour Poetry
1. Main features of troubadour lyric poetry: conformism and anticonformism.
2. The ways of parody illustrated through reading and analysis (philological, linguistic, literary) of some of the most significant texts.
Reccomended or required readings
- M. De Riquer, Los trovadores, Barcelona, Ed. Planeta, 1975, 3. voll.
- G. E. Sansone, La poesia dell'antica Provenza, Milano, Guanda, 1993.
- S. Gaunt, Trobadours and Irony, Cambridge Studies of Mediaeval Literature, 1989.
- N. Pasero, «Satira, parodia e autoparodia: elementi per una discussione», in Formes de la critique: Parodie et satire dans la France et l’Italie médiévales, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2003.
- L. Lazzerini, Letteratura medievale in lingua d'oc, Modena, Mucchi, 2001.
- M. de Riquer, Leggere i trovatori, Macerata, EUM, 2010.
-Au. Roncaglia, La lingua dei trovatori, Roma, Ed. dell'Ateneo, 1965.