Learning outcomes
The course aims at the acquisition of a basic knowledge of Germanic linguistics and of history and culture of the Germanic world. Besides, in the second part of the course, Germanic literary texts will be analyzed, from a linguistic, a philological and a literary point of view.
Course contents
Part I (a)
The course aims at the acquisition of a basic knowledge of Germanic linguistics and medieval Germanic history and culture. As for linguistics, aspects of the phonetics of the Germanic languages will be studied; the student will be grounded in the historical and comparative study of these languages. As for morphology, the verb system and the classes of the strong verbs will be studied. As for the historical and cultural part, the various areas of the Germanic world will be introduced (Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Old German, Scandinavian).
Part II (b)
The course will touch upon the reception, translation and reworking of the Bible in the medieval Germanic literatures. Passages of medieval Germanic translations and reworkings of the Gospels will be read and analyzed (Gothic Bible, Old English Gospels, Aelfric's homilies, Christ und die Samaritanerin, Tatian, Heliand)
Reccomended or required readings
I part (a)
-L- Lenaz (a c. di), "Tacito. La vita di Agricola. La Germania", Milano, Rizzoli, 1999, pp. 193-197; 207-225; 277-279 (Latin text excluded)
-M. V. Molinari, "La filologia germanica", Bologna, Zanichelli, 1987, pp. 5-48; 77-82; 87-108; 118-135; 151-160; 167-181.
-M. G. Saibene/M. Buzzoni, "Manuale di linguistica germanica", Bologna, Cisalpino-Monduzzi, 2006, pp. 3-27; 35-71; 75-100; 107-113; 115-122; 127-132;134-154;169-172;269-285.
In addition for students who cannot attend the lessons:
-M. Battagla, "Lineamenti di storia delle letterature germaniche medievali", Pisa, Il Campano, 2013.
II part (b
-M. Battaglia, "I Germani. Genesi di una cultura europea", Bologna, carocci, 2013, pp. 175-198
-M. francini, "La traduzione anglosassone della pericope dell'adultera nell'omelia Dominica V post Pentecosten di Aelfric", "Il Confronto Letterario" 62, 2014 -II, pp. 229-250
-N. francovich Onesti, "Cristo e la Samaritana dalla Vulgata al rifacimento in versi in tedesco antico", in M. Buzzoni, M. G. Cammarota, M. rancini (a c. di), "Medioevi moderni - odernità del Medioevo", Venezia, Ca' Foscari, 2013, pp. 209-222
-S. B. Greenfield, D. G. Calder, "A New Critical History of Old English Literature", New York, New York University Press, 1986 (2. ed.), pp.122-133; 206-226.
-L. Mancinelli, "Da Carlomagno a Lutero. La letterature tedesca medievale", Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1996, pp.13-46.
Students who cannot attend must add the following:
D. H. Green, "Lingua e storia nell'antico mondo germanico", Milano, 2006, pp. 331-442.