Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
1st semester (22/09/2014 - 22/12/2014)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
CHINI MARINA (titolare) - 6 ECTS
The course presupposes the knowledge of notions and categories of general linguistics and of sociolinguistics.
Learning outcomes
Various sociolinguistic topics can be elaborated in order to encourage a scientific approach to the social and communicative dimension of language. In particular, the course aims at defining the phenomenon of second language acquisition in its external social coordinates and in its internal principles and factors, with the purpose of making the student aware of the social and theoretical relevance, along with the practical one, of the acquisitional topics.
Course contents
This course (Sociolinguistics b) develops one aspect or topic of the course of Sociolinguistics a, dealing with the structure and the dynamics of linguistic repertoires or with single sociolinguistic aspects of modern societies (multilingualism and language contact, social and stylistic language variation, language acquisition and death, language minorities, etc.).
During the year 2014/2015 it will deal with language acquisition in its external social factors and its internal principles and factors, with a special focus on the Italian and European context.
Teaching methods
Reccomended or required readings
Banfi E. (ed.), L'altra Europa linguistica. Varietà di apprendimento e interlingue nell'Europa contemporanea. Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1993.
Bettoni C., Imparare un'altra lingua. Bari, Laterza, 2001.
Bettoni C., Usare un'altra lingua. Guida alla pragmatica interculturale. Bari, Laterza, 2006.
Chini M., Apprendere una seconda lingua: principi, fattori, strategie e problemi, in E. Nigris (ed.), Educazione interculturale. Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1996, pp. 259-341; 436-447.
Chini M., Che cos'è la linguistica acquisizionale. Roma, Carocci, 2005.
Chini M. et al. (eds.), Atti del 6° Congresso AItLA?. Imparare una lingua: recenti sviluppi teorici e proposte applicative. Perugia, Guerra, 2007.
Consani C. et al. (eds.), Alloglossie e comunità alloglotte nell'Italia contemporanea. Roma, Bulzoni, 2009 (cf. part III).
Giacalone Ramat A. (ed.), L'apprendimento spontaneo di una seconda lingua. Bologna, Il Mulino, 1986.
Giacalone Ramat A. (ed.), L'italiano tra le altre lingue: strategie di acquisizione. Bologna, Il Mulino, 1988.
Doughty C.J./Long M.H. (eds.), The handbook of second language acquisition. Oxford, Blackwell, 2003.
Dulay H./Burt M./Krashen S., La seconda lingua. Bologna, Il Mulino, 1985 [orig. ed. 1982].
Ellis R., The study of second language acquisition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994.
Klein W., Second language acquisition. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Lüdi G./Py B. 1986. Etre bilingue. Berne, Lang.
Perdue C. (ed.), Adult language acquisition: Cross-linguistic perspectives. Vol. I. Field methods. Vol. II. The results. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Schmid S., L'italiano degli spagnoli. Interlingue di immigrati nella Svizzera tedesca. Milano, Franco Angeli, 1994.
Sobrero A.A. (ed.). 1993. Introduzione all'italiano contemporaneo. Vol. II: La variazione e gli usi. Bari, Laterza.
Valentini, A. 1992. L'italiano dei cinesi. Questioni di sintassi. Milano, Guerini.
Valentini A., Lingue e interlingue dell'immigrazione in Italia, "Linguistica e Filologia" 21, 2005, pp. 195-208.
Vedovelli, M. et al. (a c. di). 2001. Lingue e culture in contatto. L’italiano come L2 per gli arabofoni. Irrsae Piemonte. Milano, FrancoAngeli?.
Assessment methods
The exam will be prepared on the contents of the lectures, on the Introduction of Giacalone Ramat (1986), on Chini (2005), on the chap. of Banfi (1993) concerning the language studied (Italian, German, French or English as L2), on Valentini (2005) and on a paper freely chosen either from the third part of Consani et al. (2009) or from Giacalone Ramat (1986) or a chap. of Bettoni (2001).
A student who cannot attend the course will have to prepare the exam on the Introduction of Giacalone Ramat (1986), on Chini (2005), on the chap. of Banfi (1993) concerning the language studied (Italian, German, French or English as L2), on Valentini (2005) and on two papers freely chosen from Giacalone Ramat (1986), Bettoni (2001) or from the third part of Consani et al. (2009).
The program of the exam for foreign students can be adapted on demand. In addition readings in English can at least partially substitute readings in Italian.
Further information
The exam will be prepared on the contents of the lectures, on the Introduction of Giacalone Ramat (1986), on Chini (2005), on the chap. of Banfi (1993) concerning the language studied (Italian, German, French or English as L2), on Valentini (2005) and on a paper freely chosen either from the third part of Consani et al. (2009) or from Giacalone Ramat (1986) or a chap. of Bettoni (2001).
A student who cannot attend the course will have to prepare the exam on the Introduction of Giacalone Ramat (1986), on Chini (2005), on the chap. of Banfi (1993) concerning the language studied (Italian, German, French or English as L2), on Valentini (2005) and on two papers freely chosen from Giacalone Ramat (1986), Bettoni (2001) or from the third part of Consani et al. (2009).
The program of the exam for foreign students can be adapted on demand. In addition readings in English can at least partially substitute readings in Italian.
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