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Argomento e tematiche affrontate

Descrizione: kitap

Eight European cities and their growth in the past was told on this book. Santa Cruz - Sevilla , BotnicoLisbon , Capitale – Turin , Esquilino – Rome , PoblenouBarcelona , Quartiers ModernesPessac , Altstadt – Dresden , Vredenburg – Utrecht. Writer told us the general European developments and then focusing that 8 cities situation.

Giudizio Complessivo: 9 (scala 1-10)

Scheda compilata da : DOĞUCAN ERKIRLI

Corso di Architettura e Composizione Architettonica 3 a.a.2014/2015

Ton Hinse studied architecture and town planning at Delft University of Technology in the 1970s. His Master’s thesis was awarded a prize for its integration of architecture, town planning and landscape architecture. From then on he worked as urban designer in several town planning and city departmental offices and lectured at various academies of architecture. In 2005 he opened his own office for town planning and advisory services.


This book is starting some development on Europe, Habsburg, Ottoman, Sweden, Russia Empires. After that informations writer talk about eight cities’ region on the Europe which example of the Greek and Roman Urbanisation.


Capitolo I– Classical European Town Planning

In this chapter the author show examples of classical european town planning like Milet-Turkey, Dura Europos-Syria , Lepcis Magna  Libya , NaplesItaly , ItalicaSpain, Turin-Italy , Pompeii-Italy, Trier-Germany, Timgad-Algeria, Silchester-Britannia.

Capitolo II – Santa Cruz, Sevilla

In this chapter author mantions about Santa Cruz’s developments from VIII to XIII century. Also author focuses on five phases in the city development. Origin,  Roman, Moorish, Cristian and Modern times. After that structure of the city is talked with the walls examples which belong to Roman and Moorish. In the next part author mantions about location of Santa Cruze where inside of the Sevilla.In the second part for Santa Cruz, author examplifies some some tipology of the buildings from inside of the city. And this chapter is ended with the comparison of the Moorish and Mudejar architectures with examples of the some buildings, palaces and tamples. As a last part author mantions about similar characteristic between European Santa Cruz and Morroco.

  Descrizione: glaoui  Descrizione: moorish wall   Descrizione: salvador

Capitolo III- Botanico, Lisbon

In this chapter, author tell us about how Botanica was decided to sattle on this area by the people. In the 16th century european aristocrats and wealthy merchants started to explore the delights of country livint estates in the open spaces outside the overcrowded and dirty cities.

Writer gives us urban shape informations under the two title. The field leading to the river, The old route leading to the river.

As typology of spaces basically the plots have a regular plan and also Scattered palaces and convents determined the plot sizes.

In the core of Botanico there were monastries, churches and coutyard places. And then about 18th and 19th centuries town houses , mansions and small palaces were constructed.

In The City Blocks part of the book writer talks about city blocks type. There are long, low building around of the river.

The architecture is Latin, with a typical Portuguese mildness. The general scale is modest.


Capitolo IV – Capitale, Turin

In beginning of this chapter author talks about Turin’s situation on about 1200s and following centuries which was dominated by Thomas III Savoia. After the urban shaping, we can read the systems of spatials.

The outgoing and coherent orthogonal street pattern gives the city a substantial spatial unity. In the historic centre between of distances are much shorter and the stretches of streets are defined by clear distinguished focal points.

After the street explanations, we can see some example of the city blocks facades.

Several city blocks are cleaved by public malls and other public accessible inter-block spaces. These urban interiors constitute the most sheltered part of the urban townscape.

          Descrizione: stupinigi_aero          Descrizione: indir           Descrizione: turin

Capitolo V – Esquilino, Rome

In this chapter, we can see characteristic of the Esquilino, Rome. Author talks about that after italy re-unification of italy 1870. Rome became subject to a dramatic process of urban renewal and expansion. Author tries to explain Esquilino’s devalopment that process.

After that firs explanation author talks about positions of the city streets and squares around the Stazione Termini.

Also we can see the morphology of the city.

Stazione Termini was designed by Eugenio Montuori, Leo Calini and others in 1950. We can see the Stazion Termini’s detailed characteristic and its interaction with the around of station in this chapter.

As a last, author talks about architecture’s development during the 19th, 20th, 21th century.

  Descrizione: esquilino     Descrizione: indir    Descrizione: termini

Capitolo VI – Poblenon, Barcelona

In this chapter author start with talk about Poblenou’s grid system. Here is the famous with that characteristic.

We can see some famous building and then morphology of the Poblenon. For the analysis of morphology we can cut off 3 part the Poblenon: The old village, the ramshackle industrial heritage and the renewed waterfront.


                            Descrizione: barcelona-panorama

Capitolo VII – Quartiers Modernes, Pessac

In this chapter talks about that The Quartiers Modernes was designed by Le Cornusier in 1924. His design was a statement and early example of modern town-planning and a modern vision for the garden city.

Then we can reach informations about Purism. It is Le Corbusier’s modern technical vision. We can see detailed informations about that issue on this chapter.

After that we can see some interiors by Le Corbusier.

Then author talks about morphology of the city with the plan examples.

Capitolo VIII – Altstadt, Dresden

Capitolo IX – Vredenburg, Utrecht