
Ralph Hammann






DOM publishers




















Argomento e tematiche affrontate

 The book present architecture, engineering and technology as one way to create design.  the book has get six chapters in which are described different ways of looking at technology and architectura as parents to create design. In chapters there was analysed another problems or possibilities of using new technologies. The was a lot of examples of architecture where using  interational standards in the architecture and technology. The bridge between technology and design when it comes to a successful integration of two disciplines that are usually treated as separate, Munich-based building technology expert Klaus Daniels can look back on several decades of experience. His projects illustrate how architecture and engineering can work hand in hand. What is more this book id dedicaded to Klaus Daniels and his forty years of cintributions to engineering excellence.

Giudizio Complessivo: 9 (scala 1-10)

Scheda compilata da: Weronika Madura

Corso di Architettura e Composizione Architettonica 3 a.a.2014/2015

Ralph Hamman

 Ralph Hamann- Hubbard Endowed Proffessor in Architecture at the University of Illions at Urban- Compaign. He graduated with the degree of Diplom- Ingenieur from the Darmstadt Technical University, where he studied under Behnisch, Bacher, and Belz. A Fulbright Scholarship grant allowed him to continue his education at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University in the USA. He graduated with a Master’s in Architecture and Enviromental Design and  then returned to Germany where he worked. He is a registered architect and LEED® accredited professional with an extended professional background. As the previous Head of Design, Head of Programming and Master Planning in two major German firms, his portfolio includes medium to large scale projects for corporate and private clients across Europe and the U.S. He blend’s design excellence with building performance and environmental design in his research which focuses on technology and sustainable design. He is the author of two books Creative Engineering, Energy Design for Tomorrow, various book chapters and five entries in theEncyclopedia of 20th Century Architecture. With contributions to PlusMinus 20º/40º Latitude: Sustainable Design for Tropical and Subtropical Climates and Advanced Building Systems: A Technical Guide for Architects and Engineers.

Ralph Hamman



This book show how architectura and engieneeria can work together. It is very imprtant for architects that create good project. Author deacribed a lots of interesing technical solutions, and presented  examples of solutions to the problems fasced by architects in the design are becoming. Technik and KlausDaniels regard this book- which combines more than forty executed large, medium and small scale projects of high technical and design quality and more than twenty architectural competition- as an opportunity to recommend d different path. Most certainly, the book should not be understood as a hopeless doom-and-gloom prediction for its displayed projects are a source of engineering prode and satisfaction. With the examples of the show projects most importantly it must be understood that enviroment is a resource a source in the truest sense of the word, the basis for the life, and that all architects and building systems engineers need to be in full awareness when designing a built form.



Capitolo I– Framework Conditions

In the first author deacribed Gemany as Leader in Sustainable, Low-Energy Technology Research and Applications, Political Framework: Ascendance of the Green Party's “Die Grunen”, Leglislation in Regards of Energy Consumption, Building Construction and Ecology in Germany, Tax Incentives and Other Supportive Goverment Programs and Comparsion with North America

Capitolo II – Beginning Change

In the second chapter there are described engineering solutions by Hl Technik which began to be used. The engineers began their education in technical universities and their professional work generally proir to a wider awareness of resource limitations, with the establishment of a small office in Munich Germany in 1968. Klaus Daniels described the purpose of firm as providing climatic conditions for indoor woorking and cultural and community enviroments with great care and with a focus on efficiency: the consulting engineers of HL Technik aim to create technical solutions nos as ends in themselves but as means to provide healthy and comfortable enviroments for humans. The chapter show Energing Solutions by HL Technik as a Response of the Energy Cirses I in 1973 and II in 1978 as exampels author presents: DEVK Insurance Group Headquartes, Cologne, Rheinish-Westfalischer Immobilienfonds


Capitolo III- Re-Ordination as a Result of Awareness of a World of Limited Resources

 The author described what was consequencesof the energy circes of 1973 and 1978. HL Technik began to develop enginieering   solutions for building as integraded systems that did not stop at the mechanical system but included key contributing componets such as the building envelope. There, at the perimeter of structures, their fasades, the primary decision wuth regard to a buildings future beheviour, overall susustainability, and comfort provisions are made. Together with the architects of the forthcoming projects of the time, who in turn concentrated on the “basic design principles” such as solar exposure, orientation, compactness, and surface- to- volume tatio, engigniering of systrem was seen by HLT as inseparably related to building's envelope performance. Together with the various architects, HL Technik in the following years worked on atria solutions succesfully.  One of the example is Ewha Women's University is one of the most prestigious universities in Korea. The U-shaped buildings footprint of the extension Seoul University in Seodaemum- Gu, Seoul, by architects of DPA, and HL Technik is both an attempt to enrich the urban qualities of the dense site and to create a landscape- dominated solution, providing an attractive esplanade and connection between the city in the campus.  The idea of this underground university was born out of the desire to preserve a large green space in the center of the university campus. The link beetween the architectural concept and sensublity strategies adopted- underground building, green garden and landscape. A ramp provides access to building below with the two parallel, glazed fasades of this landscape cut facing each other. The continuation of ther ramp lead to a monumental staircase, which besides being used for main circulation allows for bleacher seating to see public events, such as theater performances outdoor lectures. The two large fasades provide natural dailyight to the otherwise fully subterranean building. In the area to active building systems and passove strategies, the building is an important quantum leap. Several state-ofo the art conceps were integrated by the engigneers of HL Technik that need to be understood in more detail. Klais Daniels was able to introduce the concept of  termal mass cooling via a thermal labyrinth into the overall building system concept, a true lesson in intergradent design. Since a subterranean building will eventually need to be constructed with large retaining walls, to secure it against substantial pressures from the soil, the engineers of HL technik suggested to an at-the-first-skeptical client taking adventage of the significant thermal mass of such structurally necessary walls and designing them as “thermal labyrinth walls” funneling the necessary fresh supply air through them before it enters the mechanical air handlers.

BMW Pavilon,  Lehnbachplantz, Munich the  prominent and modernist German architect Sep Ruf designed the West German Pawilon for the 1958 Brussels Word Exposition, together with another great of post- war German modrnism, architect and professor Egon Eierman.The building system engineering was in hands of HL  Technik. The lower level contains a conference space, which is ventilated from its surrounding walls. The exhaust air is by thermal buoyany guided through a large ceiling void up to the ground level floor and future up to a large roof skylight from which it is exhaust to the outside. The result is na artful scluptural, yet high-tech lighting installation using natural daylight. It is designed by the engineers of LichtLabor, led by one of the  world's most sought-after lighting designers, Christian Bartenbach.

The architeture rediscovered the special features  of spaces under glass and their versatility as meeting places, lobbies climate buffers ect. Depending upon the specific requirements different solutions present themselves  for servicing these projects. Such glass- covered sun rooms should futhermore, contribute to savings in energy and operation cost. In many climate regions with the noted excepction of hot-humid climates – atria should be naturaly ventilated. Temperature dynamics on large glass surfaces are especially important and must be considered, since they can be catalysts for large, termally caused air movements and currents that in some instances my be regarded as unconfortable. Example this kind of buildings: Continuing Education Center “Mont Cenis” and DVG Headquarters, Hanover, 1999.

The last example which I want to schow is Europan Southern Observatory (ESO) CerroParanal, Chile, 2001 this the kind of building design and technology in extreme climates. A turly unique building concept was created that is devoid of technological gimmicks and that realis on solutions based on analysis of places. Architects and the engineers of HLT created a men-made oasis within a desert. Since there is virtually no landscape green in this enviroment, the architects included two indoor landscapes; one- large greenhause copula, the oasis , second- in a smaller rectangular foyer space. Termal energy stored in the concentrate's thermal mass during the day is passively released at night, resulting in comfortable conditions within the hotel room. Ventilation is by openable window and openings in the glass-covered cupola.





Capitolo IV – Ten Selected Architectural Competitions and Studies

The chapter is about architectural and engineering competitions . What the competition may give as? They are an opportunity to think ahead and presents technical solutions in some istance even apart from the constraints of everyday pratice as a budget , code compliance and schedule. Competitions are held becuse to seek solutions in regard to the existing building stock, such as office buildings, idustrial complex and even residential building types. The author shows that the examples and talking about them. The first example which I want to discuss is The Integrated Lightweight Disaster Shelter System (ILDS). In 2007 Klaus Daniels provided the engineering for the author's design of a shelter system for people affected by natural disasters in hot-humid climats. Author is talking about  ILDS module which consists of a structural fibreglass tube bundle with intergrated steel-cable-reinforced framing- support elements, wall and roof materials, a bladder water tank for rainwater harvesting, water purification. The technical system of the shelter is designed by HL Technik on the principle od greatest possible autonomy. It is autonomous system that provides electrical energy for lighting of the unit water for human consumption in areas that have lost the ability to provide power and water by means of utiliy grid. Another example which author recalls is Samsung Global Engignering Headquarter + EDF Forschungszentrum Seoul, Republic of Korea (Architect: Dominique Perrault LEED Consultant: Ralph Hammann. The new office building will be consolidated SAMSUNG space inventory on the proposed site and will create a new type of working enviroment, show-casing an innovative spatial and technological. For HL Technik it was important to utilize the potential of the climate, the site enviroment and the neighboring ecosystem. HL created the Samsung atrium also attracts cool, fresh air in summer from the building schaded northern site into the atrium, where  it reates natural ventilation air is further natural ventilation air currents without mechanical system.



Capitolo V – Teaching Technology: The Education of Future Engigniers and Architects

In five chapter author speaking about teaching technology and show on example looks like the education of future engineers and architects. What is more the chapter schow how Klaus Daniels' teaching. He has two-fold. First, the weekly lecture course introduces students to a dense fabric of advanced building systems, moving from the communication of a basic understanding of the material to more involed technical conceps and how they may be related to a given architecture.This is the area where Klaus Daniels'  teaching becomes  really special: it is a ultimate technology course, taught by an enginer.  Whoever is familiar with the current situation of academic  education at schools of architecture knows that this is an extremely rare, precious advantage. The engineer is not teaching a disengaged technology course, but instead Klaus Daniels as Designer- Engineer is teaching a technology- design hybrid. This is of course very successful.  On of the example is International Recogniton: 1 st Place, U.S. Department of Enery (DOE) “Solar Decathlon” Competition 2007 (Architects: Team Deutschland Students of various departments, Technial University Darmstadt);  Klaus Daniels advised the student-led team in matters of the building's technology, which introduced terom-active building components such as phease-change materials, state-of -art high-penformance vacuum insulation, and a wall and roof- integrated solar-electricity system. The latter best display the basic apporch of Daniels: Buildnig system, such as in the protetonic panels, ought to be intergadet into the architeture, made one with it, rather than being tacked on as separete, non-fitting engineering devices. This concept of integratio, a melding of architecvtural design and technical system is inherently very simple when seen in its completed result, yet it is very laborsome, as well as intellestualy and organizationally challenging, to achieve during the proces of design. What looks self-evident it is result of intense preparation, coordination and creativity.

Capitolo VI – Future Design

In the last chater author is talking about introduces  HL Technik's and Klaus Daniel's quest for new paths in energy, architectural and systems design and exacly materials, conceps and focus areas, hydro energy,adaptable building skins, energy supply and ect.- a lot of future solutions. The author schow some examples like Coloseum Theatr, Altendorfer as New Uses for Existing Buildings, Dexia Bank International, Luxembourg as Architectural Building Desing and examples buildings as Architeture of Combined Algae- Fish Plants(CAFP)


thermal labyrinth walls – A thermal labyrinth performs the same function as an earth tube, but they are usually formed from a larger volume rectilinear space, sometimes incorporated into building basements or under ground floors, and which are in turn divided by numerous internal walls to form a labyrinthine air path. Maximising the length of the air path ensures a better heat transfer effect. The construction of the labyrinth walls, floors, and dividing walls is normally of high thermal mass cast concrete and concrete block, with the exterior walls and floors in direct contact with the surrounding earth.

competition –  is the place for an engineering firm to showcase solutions in clouse coordination with an architectural firm from the very beginning. Competiton are helt to seek solution in regard to the existig building stock, such as existing office buildings industrial complex and even residential buildings

Teaching technology- it is the science of all sorts of technological solutions, which in the future will be able to be used.