Printing Collection
The graphic heritage preserved in the Library consists of over 3,000 leaves, mostly lithographs belonging to the XIXth century and probably gained through right to print along with small purchases and donations.
It is mainly composted by black and white prints of different sizes, divided into twenty one folders.
There are several formats: from postcard to poster, with variable dimensions in length and height. Various subjects:
- portraits
- landscapes
- "Reproductions of works by good authors" of sacred and profane theme
- views of cities, castles, monuments
- costumes
- military uniforms
- animals
- ornamental
- depictions inspired by sacred images and scenes from the Bible
As for the portrait gallery that is really extensive: images of rulings , members of the great noble families around the world and also of the local nobility prevail. There are also portraits of popes, bishops and priests, religious and saints and others belonging to civil society as patriots, musicians and singers, writers and artists.
Download the Inventario della raccolta di stampe (PDF - 12,733 mb)