Ministero dei Beni delle Attivitą Culturali e del Turismo Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali

Luigi Nascimbene

Luigi Nascimbene(Argine, 1801 - Genoa, 1864)

Graduated as Architect Engineer from the University of Pavia and disappointed by the experiences of work, he left Italy to seek his fortune in America.

He settled in Montevideo where he provided support to the revolutionary troops and simultaneously collected data for the drafting of an history of South America. Nascimbene traveled throughout Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Brazil, meeting many characters like Giuseppe Garibaldi. He returned to Italy very rich; after other trips to Europe, he settled in Genoa and died without heirs. In his will he outlined to create a charity and educational institute in Pavia that would bear his name.

spunta_ rossaHistory of Nascimbene Stock

spunta_ rossaFind manuscripts by Luigi Nascimbene in Inventario dei manoscritti Ticinesi