Giuseppe Moretti Stock
The stock was bought from the heirs of Giuseppe Moretti in 1855 with the purpose of enriching the library of a section devoted to the natural sciences, hitherto underrepresented in the library collections of the institution.
There are preserved over 100 works of unique botanical topic, published mostly in the XVIII and XIX centuries. Among the most important works it is possible to mention Flora graeca by John Sibthorp, 10 volumes in leaves, published in an edition of only 30 copies in London between 1806 and 1840 (location: Banc. 20 6), and the volume by Giovanni Gussone Plantae rariores quas in itinere per oras Jonii ac Adriatici maris et per regiones Samnii ac Aprutii collegit Joannes Gussone [...], printed in Naples in the Royal Typography in 1826 (location: Banc. 21 B 29).
The stock is described in the catalog alphabetically by authors and titles of anonymous works in cards, available at the entrance of the Library.