Interlibrary loan
The ILL service enables users to borrow those volumes that are not available in the University Library of Pavia but owned by other Libraries, in Italy or abroad. The user is required to provide the librarian in charge with all the bibliographic references necessary to find the book needed.
When the book arrives, users are contacted by e-mail. They can keep the volume for a period of time decided by the lending library. They will pay the shipping and all the costs owed by the lending library through postal payment.
All the requests can be also placed:
- Through ILL SBN
- Sending an e-mail to:
- Sending a request by fax to: 0382 25 007
External users and Italian or foreign libraries can borrow books from the University Library as well. Some material is excluded from loan, such as:
- Books and documents published before the year 1950
- Periodicals
- Rare and valuable books
- Atlases
- Cartographic material
- Dictionaries
- Encyclopaedias
- Bibliographies
- MA and PhD thesises
- Reference books
- Bibliographic, librarianship and information science books
- Data banks and digital format material
- Microfilms and microfiches
- Books in restoration
- Any other book or material the librarian in charge considers dangerous to lend.