Graduates from the Masters course may find employment in: the planning, co-ordination, running and management of private and public bodies at a competitive level: the planning, co-ordination and running of training programmes in various sports and levels, up to professional level, at associations and sports clubs, sports promoters, institutions and specialised centres; the planning and co-ordination of sports clubs, organisations, recreational and social associations and in sports tourism; in teaching physical education. Possible employment for graduates (Decree on courses, Art. 3, comma 7) concern: the planning, co-ordination, running and management of private and public bodies at a competitive level: the planning, co-ordination and running of training programmes in various sports and levels, up to professional level, at associations and sports clubs, sports promoters, institutions and specialised centres; the planning and co-ordination of sports clubs, organisation, recreational and social associations and in sports tourism; and in teaching physical education. Employment in: public and private bodies in the field of competitive sport at all levels and tourist-recreational services like gyms, swimming pools, socio-educational centres, hotels, thermal baths and wellness centres, and wherever individual or group courses are run; public and private schools that comply with the current legislation on teaching physical education and sport.