Enrollment year
Academic discipline
2nd semester (01/03/2022 - 15/06/2022)
Lesson hours
48 lesson hours
Mathematics, General Physics, and Quantum Mechanics basics.
Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge of main collective phenomena in solids, through a phenomenological description and the comparison between the theoretical approach and the experimental study. This way, the student is introduced to the most common techniques used in the study of solids, learning about their use in surveys on real materials.
Course contents
Classification of solids (insulators, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, metals, magnetic materials, superconductors), and introduction to their electronic and vibrational structure with features of statistical mechanics. Description of elementary excitations in solids, with reference to the most common experimental techniques. Evidence is given to phenomena such as phonons, semiconductor optical processes, Raman effect, plasmons, low dimensional effects, quantum Hall effect, nuclear magnetic resonance, muon resonance, high temperature superconductivity, Bose-Einstein condensation, molecular magnetism and nanomagnetism. Thematic lessons are devoted to newly developed materials and technologies with interesting applications.
Teaching methods
The course program includes mainly theoretical lessons introducing the solid-state physics properties, the methodologies adopted in their investigation, the experimental technologies used. To this respect, some visits to laboratories could be considered to illustrate specific experimental apparatus of interest.
Reccomended or required readings
- C. Kittel, Introduction to solid state physics, Wiley
- Additional material provided by teachers
Assessment methods
Oral examination. The first part of the exam will cover the understanding of the topics covered in the course, while in the second part the student presents his own analysis of a scientific publication (single article or review) on a specific topic related to the topics covered in the course. The in-depth analysis of the publication, agreed with the teachers at most one week before the exam day, will be briefly illustrated by video projection (maximum 10 slides in 15 minutes).
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