Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Lingue per l'impresa
Year of study
2nd semester (22/02/2021 - 13/05/2021)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
KOCH KLAUS GEORG (titolare) - 9 ECTS
A good knowledge of the foundations of German linguistics. Advanced knowledge of German, from level B1 onward.
Learning outcomes
Advanced grammar of the German language; text linguistics: how meaning is constructed in a social/societal/institutional context and used to make a text.
Course contents
The use of language differs widely in modern media ranging from the now traditional ones to the more recent social media. Students will explore and discuss this variety and its implications in a range of original texts and try their understanding in writing exercises. This course also touches on various aspects of pragmatics—the study of how meaning is shaped by social context and institutional conditions and constraints. Students are also espected to engage in interactive classroom activities and explicate an argument related to the course in a presentation.

Non-attending students will have to show they have developed a good knowledge of basic concepts and questions of advanced grammar, text linguistics and pragmatics based on the given bibliography

In addition to the Course, there are tutorials for exercising the language competence, fluency, and analytical skills acquired during the course. In these tutorials, a C.E.L. (Collaboratori ed Esperti Linguistici) teaches students how to develop writing, listening, speaking and grammar skills at the B1/B2 level (Common European Framework). The exercises are part of the exam program.
Teaching methods
Lectures; Individual work on the assigned texts and class assessment; interactive classroom activities such as individual and group presentations.

It will also be possible, if there is a chance, of tutors (LANGUAGES) taught by native-language trainees from German universities, aimed at strengthening and exercising oral skills and writing the language
Reccomended or required readings
Testi: Austin, John L. (1962): How to do things with Words [dt.: Zur Theorie der Sprechakte], Baechler, Coline; Eckkrammer, Eva Martha; Müller-Lancé, Johannes; Thaler, Verena (Hg.): Medienlinguistik 3.0 – Formen und Wirkung von Textsorten im Zeitalter des Social Web, Barthes, Roland (1968): Der Tod des Autors. Bendel Larcher, Sylvia: Linguistische Diskursanalyse, Deppermann, Arnulf; Reineke, Silke (2018): Sprache im kommunikativen,interaktiven und kulturellen Kontext. Finkbeiner, Rita: Einführung in die Pragmatik Foucault, Michel (1969): Was ist ein Autor? Niehr, Thomas (2014): Einführung in die linguistische Diskursanalyse. Posselt, Gerald (2017): Can Hatred Speak? On the Linguistic Dimensions of Hate Crime. Schmidt, Siegfried J.: Der Medienkompaktbegriff, Storrer, Angelika (2018): Interaktionsorientiertes Schreiben im Internet. Storrer, Angelika (2011): Sprachstil und Sprachvariation in sozialen Netzwerken.

Studenti non frequentanti: Letture aggiuntive da convenirsi.

Ulteriore bibliografia di riferimento
H. Weinrich, Textgrammatik der deutschen Sprache, Olms Verlag
H. Dreyer, R. Schmitt, Grammatica tedesca con esercizi, Hueber Verlag

Studenti non frequentanti:
Capitoli scelti in: Burger, Harald; Luginbühl, Martin (Hrsg.): (2005): Mediensprache. Eine Einführung in Sprache und Kommunikationsformen der Massenmedien.
Assessment methods
To access the exam, one must have passed all the preliminary tests (see below)
Oral examination in Italian or German, as preferred.

During the final written exam students will have to show they have acquired a good knowledge of basic concepts and topics as well as the necessary descriptive and analytical skills to discuss in academically appropriate manners the topics presented during the course.

The presentations will be graded as well as part of the final score.

Preliminary language tests
Preliminary to the exam, the students’ language level must be assessed.
To verify if the required level has been achieved, students have to take all assessments (for students who attend a minimum of 70%) or the unified preliminary language test.
Speaking and listening skills will assessed only if students have passed all written tests: the conversation will deal with general subjects and titles from a reading plus film list which will be available at the beginning of the academic year.
Both oral and written language tests are preliminary to the exam.
Further information
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030