Enrollment year
Academic year
Lettere moderne
Year of study
1st semester (24/09/2018 - 09/01/2019)
All students can apply this course.
Learning outcomes
The course consists of two parts: section A and section B
Section A
The course aims to enlighten and come through historical problems, and their interconnection, in contemporary world, with emphasis on the last decades of nineteenth and twentieth century. Lessons will offer a global, critical view on both socio-economical phenomena and political-cultural, with a comparative approach among different areas and states.
In this context specific attention will be given to the consideration of research methodologies, to analysis and selection of sources, to usage of conceptual categories and paradigms in order to stimulate a critical approach to the subject and its interpretive challenges.
Section B
The course’s goal is to analyze specific phenomena and topics in contemporary history, focusing on the results of historiographical debate, past and going on, and leading students to a direct approach to sources and original documents.
Course contents
The course will be run with the following schedule:
Section A
1) introduction to contemporary history: methodological problems and chronology, the idea of contemporary age , keywords, type of sources and archives, history, historiography and memory.
2) Instruments and methods of bibliographical research: traditional references (repertories, bibliographies) and on line resources.
3) topics and questions of contemporary history: domestic and international politics, political institutions and behaviours, outlines of social and economical development, changement and continuity in demography, culture, science, technology and production features.
Section B
Exiles and Refugees : the phenomenon of voluntary exile and / or forced migration in Italian history (XIX-XXth century). Voluntary exile as a form of political dissent, escape from persecution, search for asylum during war and military occupation, all these choices characterize crucial moments of Italian history, from the Risorgimento to 1898 crisis, from the start up of the fascist dictatorship to the adoption of Anti-Jewish racism until the Second World War and beyond. The course analyzes cases- study of this Italian phenomenon that is projected into the European and transatlantic dimension, focusing and comparing individual and collective itineraries, experiences of political projects and anti-fascist dissent, Jewish diaspora and war catastrophe. The request for asylum beyond the borders of the country of origin is an interesting point of view for focus moments of Italian society and its institutions deep crisis, but it also allows us to analyze different ways of reception, integration or rejection policies of the host-countries.
In this context different sources will be examined – literature, biographies, memories, newspapers - and the outlines of past and recent historiography will be discussed.
Teaching methods
Lectures and seminars.
Reccomended or required readings
Section A
The students are required to study on the handbook below (compulsory) :
F. CAMMARANO, M. S. PIRETTI, G. GUAZZALOCA, Storia contemporanea dal XIX al XXI secolo, Le Monnier/ Mondadori education, 2009 and other ed. [only chapters. 5-16].
Is warmly recommended to use complementary reference books such as historical atlas, of course up to date. Further more in order to solve any lack of basic historical knowledge is suggested to look up to historical dictionaries and high school manuals.
Those who are not going to attend the class are supposed to read and study one more book chosen from the list below:
M.BLOCH, Apologia della storia o mestiere dello storico, Einaudi, Torino 1969;
G. DE LUNA, La passione e la ragione. Fonti e metodi dello storico contemporaneo, Firenze, La Nuova Italia 2001;
C.PAVONE , Prima lezione di storia contemporanea, Roma , Laterza, 2007.
La storia negata: il revisionismo e il suo uso politico, Vicenza, Neri Pozza, 2009.
Section B
All students are required to study on the books and essays below 1, 2, 3:
1. Patrizia Audenino, Antonio Bechelloni, Esilio politico fra Otto e Novecento, in Migrazioni, Storia d’Italia, Annali 24, Torino, Einaudi 2009, pp. 343-369
2. Mario Toscano, L’emigrazione ebraica italiana dopo il 1938, in Ebraismo e antisemitismo in Italia. Dal 1848 alla guerra dei sei giorni, ;ilano, Franco Angeli, 2003, pp.185-207
3. Gaetano Salvemini, Dai ricordi di un fuoruscito, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2002.

Furthermore they are required to read one more book chosen from the following list:
a] I fratelli Rosselli, l’antifascismo, l’esilio, a cura di Alessandro Giacone ed Éric Vial, Carocci, Roma 2011
b] Fra le righe. Carteggio fra Carlo Rosselli e Gaetano Salvemini, a cura di E.Signori, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2009;
c] D.Ceschin, Gli esuli di Caporetto : i profughi in Italia durante la Grande guerra, GLF editori Laterza, 2006;
d]Giorgio Amendola, Un'isola , Milano, Rizzoli, 1980
e] Mimmo Franzinelli, Il delitto Rosselli : 9 giugno 1937, anatomia di un omicidio politico, Milano : Mondadori, 2008
f] Naufraghi della pace : il 1945, i profughi e le memorie divise d'Europa / a cura di Guido Crainz, Raoul Pupo, Silvia Salvatici ; Roma,Donzelli, 2008
g] Gaetano Salvemini: ancora un riferimento, a cura di G. Pescosolido, Lacaita, Manduria-Roma 2010
h]Patrizia Gabrielli, Col freddo nel cuore : uomini e donne nell'emigrazione antifascista, Roma, Donzelli, 2004
i] Elena Dundovich, Francesca Gori, Italiani nei lager di Stalin , Roma ; Bari, Laterza, 2006.
Those students who are not going to attend the class are supposed to study the books over indicated (1, 2, 3) and to study two more books chosen from the list (a-h)
Assessment methods
written test on section A and oral test on section B.

The activity is split