Anno immatricolazione
Anno offerta
Corso di studio
International Management
Anno di corso
Periodo didattico
Secondo Semestre (18/02/2019 - 18/05/2019)
66 ore di attività frontale
Lingua insegnamento
Tipo esame
HAGEN BIRGIT (titolare) - 7 CFU
Basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, in particular start-up context and processes; basic knowledge of operational and strategic marketing; knowledge of international marketing is of advantage.
Obiettivi formativi
Reaching, serving and retaining customers globally and building a global brand and market presence is a demanding task for any firm. For new ventures that internationalize early and rapidly, this is exceptionally demanding because the challenges of foundation are exacerbated by operating in a dynamic international environment .

This course addresses the issues specific to international venturing of start ups.
What are the characteristics, resources and strategies of successful international new ventures and their entrepreneurial teams? How do they manage the multiple challenges of setting up their venture, building their identity/brand and of internationalizing at the same time? What are viable and sustainable strategies of international expansion for international new ventures? How can international and entrepreneurial marketing in particular help to explore and to exploit the opportunities (and avoid the threats) of internationalization? How does the external context influence entrepreneurs and their ventures or, more in general, entrepreneurial activities?

After taking this class, you should be able to:
• Analyze and understand the international and the unique new venture ‘context’ and their impact on early and fast internationalization, i.e. the firm internal conditions as well as the global drivers, the international market and industry conditions
• Understand the challenges and opportunities associated with early and fast international expansion
• Define structure and processes that allow the new ventures to successfully operate on international markets (i.e. opportunity identification and exploitation)
• Find viable and sustainable routes to the international market and to long-term growth (e.g. design of business models; selection of markets and entry modes; international entrepreneurial marketing strategies)
• Integrate international and entrepreneurial marketing into international strategy
• Foresee and confront challenges of developing a business concept in geographically dispersed, international teams.
Programma e contenuti
1. International Entrepreneurship (IE): key concepts and theoretical foundations
2. International Entrepreneurs, their teams, and their international new venture
3. Drivers and barriers of IE
4. What are international opportunities and how are they discovered or created ?
5. Processes of building and managing the born global firm
6. Processes and functions of implementation: how to successfully exploit international opportunities
7. (International) Entrepreneurial marketing: unique marketing spirit, unique marketing practice or more?
Metodi didattici
The theoretical coverage of all topics will always be interactive and supplemented by practical applications as follows:

“UniVenture goes international”
You will work with one of the start-ups of the UniVenture business plan competition and help them prepare for the international arena. You and your colleagues will develop an international strategy along intermediate deliverables (with feedback sessions) which will compose your final report. Presentations and discussions with a panel of start uppers, business angels, and international agency experts will conclude the course.

Case presentations, discussions and debates:
Debates and discussion, assignments and presentations during lectures imply your active participation. Such activity (which may be prepared in advance) will help you voice an opinion, learn to listen and (re)act
critically and in a constructive manner, and build presentation skills and experience.
Effective learning and class discussion relies substantially on your case analysis and presentation. Careful reading of the cases therefore will be necessary and short quizes relating to the case may be given on a case day.

Guest lectures: Practitioners and colleagues from universities abroad will take part to the course.

A note on team work
Teamwork is very important in today’s business world. Practice and research shows that most born global firms are team-founded. Being international, they are constantly called to work with and relate to international partners and customers. Working in a group can be an extremely rewarding as well as a frustrating experience, and working in international teams (e.g. for UniVenture goes international) may be
particularly challenging. You may experience such challenges but you will also learn to understand and see solutions to them. The Hilti Team camp and also the negotiation modules of the course will help you in this matter.

A note on plagarism
All individual written assignments must be the student’s original work.
We will not accept any written work with a plagarism percentage of >= 15 percent.
Testi di riferimento
Zucchella A., Hagen B., Serapio M. G., International Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing
Additionally, some selected readings will be provided in due time.
Modalità verifica apprendimento
1. Students attending the lectures are evaluated as follows:
'UniVenture project group report and presentation: 50 %

Exam: 3 open questions; 3-5 multiple choice questions: 40 %
Class participation based on individual or group work during the lectures (e.g. case studies, debates and discussions): 10 %

2. Non-attending students
Non-attending students are evaluated on the basis of a written and oral examination. The written exam will be based on the textbook, readings and course material provided in due time on the course page on KIRO.
The oral examination will consist in a 10 minutes power point presentation, illustrating a case study. The case study must be presented both in power point and in a word file (to be delivered one week before the presentation) describing a company (preferably a young company, classifiable as an International new venture/ born global) along the course topics.

A note on plagarism
All individual written assignments must be the student’s original work.
We will not accept any written work with a plagarism percentage of >= 15 percent.
Altre informazioni
1. Students attending the lectures are evaluated as follows:
'UniVenture project group report and presentation: 50 %

Exam: 3 open questions; 3-5 multiple choice questions: 40 %
Class participation based on individual or group work during the lectures (e.g. case studies, debates and discussions): 10 %

2. Non-attending students
Non-attending students are evaluated on the basis of a written and oral examination. The written exam will be based on the textbook, readings and course material provided in due time on the course page on KIRO.
The oral examination will consist in a 10 minutes power point presentation, illustrating a case study. The case study must be presented both in power point and in a word file (to be delivered one week before the presentation) describing a company (preferably a young company, classifiable as an International new venture/ born global) along the course topics.

A note on plagarism
All individual written assignments must be the student’s original work.
We will not accept any written work with a plagarism percentage of >= 15 percent.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile