Testi di riferimento
1) G. Legnante (a cura di), Dispensa su Opinione pubblica e media. Edizione 2017-2018 (disponibile alla libreria CLU).
Texts for Erasmus students.
• Bobba G., Legnante G., Roncarolo F., Seddone A., Candidates in a negative light. The 2013 Italian election campaign in the media, in “Rivista italiana di scienza politica” n. 3/ 2013, pp. 353-379.
• Graber, D., Political Communication Faces 21th Century, in “Journal of Communication”, n. 3/2005, pp. 479-507.
• Bennett, L., Iyengar, S., A New Era of Minimal Effects? The Changing Foundations of Political Communication, in “Journal of Communication”, n. 4/2008, pp. 707-731.
• Heinderyckx, F., Reclaiming the High Ground in the Age of Onlinement, in “Journal of Communication”, n. 6/2014, pp. 999-1014.
• Esser, F., J. Strömbäck e C.H. de Vreese, Reviewing key concepts in research on political news journalism: Conceptualizations, operationalizations and propositions for future research, in “Journalism”, n. 1/2012, pp. 139-143.
Reviewing key concepts in research on political news journalism: Conceptualizations, operationalizations and propositions for future research (di F. Esser, J. Strömbäck e C.H. de Vreese)
• Hopmann, D.N., P. Van Aelst e G. Legnante, Political balance in the news: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings, in “Journalism”, n. 1/2012, pp. 240-257.
• Reinemann, C., Stanyer, J., S. Scherr e G. Legnante, Hard and soft news: a review of concepts, operationalizations and key finding, in “Journalism”, 1/2012, pp. 221-239.
• Esser, F., De Vreese, C., Stromback, J., Van Aelst, P., Aalberg, T., Stanyer, J., Lengauer, G., Berganza, R., Legnante, G., Papathanassopoulos, S., Salgado, S., Shafer, T., Reinemann, C., Political Information Opportunities in Europe: A Longitudinal and Comparative Study of Thirteen Television Systems, in “International Journal of Press/Politics”, n. 3/2012, pp. 247-274.
• Serazio, M., The new media designs of political consultants. Campaign production in a fragmented era, in “Journal of Communication”, n. 4/2014, pp. 743-763.
• Vezzoni C., Italian National Election Survey 2013: a further step in a consolidating tradition, in “Rivista italiana di scienza politica”, n. XLIV, aprile 2014, pp. 81-108.
• in the periodical “Polis” (1/2014), articles by: G. Passarelli and D. Tuorto (Editors’ Introduction: Frustrated Electoral Expectations, pp. 5-8), J. Newell (The Italian General Election of 2013: A Revolution with Uncertain Consequences, pp. 9-24), P. Bellucci and M. Maraffi (Government Performance and Political Attitudes in the Italian Political Cycle 2011-2013, pp. 37-60), F. Vegetti, M. Poletti and P. Segatti (Availability or Disengagement? How Italia Citizens Reacted to the Two-Faced Parliamentary Grand Coalition Supporting the Monti Government, pp. 61-84), G. Passarelli, Electoral Law(s) and Elections in the Italian Second Republic. The 2013 Landmark (?), pp. 107-122.
• Bruggermann, M., Engesser, S., Buchel, F., Humprecht, E., Castro, L., Hallin and Mancini Revisited: Four Empirical Types of Western Media Systems, in “Journal of Communication”, n. 6/2014, pp. 1037-1065.
• Goldman, S., Mutz, D., The Friendly Media Phenomenon: A Cross-National Analysis of Cross-Cutting Exposure, in “Political Communication”, n. 1/2011, pp. 42-66.
However, Erasmus students are requested to agree upon the program (and possible text changes) with Prof. Legnante.