Enrollment year
Academic discipline
(30/09/2019 - 13/12/2019)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
No specific technical skills are required. However, knowledge about Web design may be useful to contextualize issues.
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical guidelines to design communication on new media in a more persuasive and effective way.
At the end of the course, students will be able to master the psychological mechanisms on which persuasive communication is based. They will be able to recognize and apply several persuasive techniques, using modern design tools.
Course contents
In this course, science and research are combined with practical examples to learn how to carry out projects that can influence opinions and change people's behavior. The main targets are online users of websites, social networks, newsletters, and smartphone applications.
The basics of the course are psychological and social theories, which explain how people acquire and memorize information, how they think and make decisions, what they are attracted to and what motivates them.
The course then presents, with the aid of many practical examples, the psychological mechanisms of persuasion and the fundamental patterns that underlie the thousands of tactics used daily by persuaders.
Moreover, particularly effective design techniques are illustrated to solve the most recurring problems and to interface with clients and designers.
Finally the course highlights the different roles that technology can play in persuasion, thanks to its growing ability to adapt to the needs and context of the user, providing ideas for design and clues about future trends.
Teaching methods
The course is mainly based on lectures, possibly supplemented by seminars.
Small research assignments are planned during the year, whose results will be discussed in the classroom. This activity will be part of the exam.
The minimum required frequency is 75% of the hours provided.
Reccomended or required readings
As this course is absolutely new, it is not yet possible to refer to a detailed list of texts.
During the course the main resources to be used for the preparation of the exam, both off-line and online, will be suggested and published.
The following readings are certainly recommended:
• Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - Harperbusiness ed.
• B. J. Fogg, Persuasive Technology – Moorgan Kaufmann Publishers.
This type of course is not designed for non-attending students, who are strongly advised to choose an alternative course.
The eventual exam for non-attending students should necessarily be based on an alternative program, entirely covered by other reference texts.
Assessment methods
The exam consists of a final written test and the completion of short projects agreed with the teacher.
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