Course contents
Subject of the course:
Mind and soul in the reflection of Latin authors and literary representations from Ennio to Apuleio
1) Historical study of Latin literature form the beginnings to the 2nd century A.D. (excluding Christian authors)
2) 'From Plautus to Apuleius': anthology of texts
Reading, translation, linguistic and textual analysis and placing within the frame of literary history of the following passages of Latin authors:
- Plauto: Curculio 462-486; Pseudolus 394-405
- Catone: Origines fr. 83 Peter (= Gellio, Notti attiche 3,7,19)
- Terenzio: Heautontimorumenos 35-47; Andria 1-27
- Lucrezio: De rerum natura 1, 1-43; 2, 1-36; 3, 931-962
- Catullo: Carmina 5; 8; 11; 51; 101
- Cesare: De bello civili 1,1-2; 1,3,1-5
- Cicerone: Brutus 307-318; In Catilinam 1,1,1-3; Ad familiares 4,6
- Sallustio: Bellum Catilinae 1-3,2; 5,1-8; Bellum Iugurthinum 41-42,1-4; 63
- Virgilio: Bucoliche 1; 10, 46-69; Georgiche 4, 485-515; Eneide 4, 331-361; 10, 803-832
- Orazio: Satire 1,9; Epodi 6; Odi 1,4; 1,9; 1,11; 2,6; 2,14; 3,30; 4,7
- Properzio: Elegie 1,1; 1,17
- Ovidio: Metamorfosi 10, 162-213; 15, 165-185
- Livio: Ab Urbe condita, praefatio 1-5; praefatio 10-13; 21, 1,1-4
- Seneca: Phaedra 483-558; De constantia sapientis 3,3-5; Consolatio ad Helviam 6; De brevitate vitae 8; De beneficiis 1,13; Epistulae ad Lucilium 1
- Lucano: Bellum civile 2, 284-325; 7, 647-677
- Petronio: Satyricon 71; 85-87
- Plinio il Vecchio: Naturalis historia 14, 2-5
- Quintiliano: Institutio oratoria 1,2,11-16; 2,2,1-8; 10,1,128-130
- Stazio: Tebaide 1, 1-40; 12, 447-463; Silvae 1,3,34-57
- Marziale: Epigrammi 1,4; 1,107; 10,74
- Giovenale: Satire 3, 1-50
- Plinio il Giovane: Epistulae 8,21,1-3; Panegyricus 48
- Tacito: Agricola 30-32,4; Germania 19; Dialogus de oratoribus 28; Historiae 1, 3-4; Annales 1,1
- Apuleio: Metamorfosi 1,1; 9,13; 11,5-6
3) Deep study of the handbook «Propedeutica al latino universitario» (chapters I-VIII)
Reccomended or required readings
For the monographic course: students will be provided with a dossier of texts during the lessons. It will also be possible fond these texts within course materials in Kiro platform
For personal deepening:
- G. Picone, E. Romano, F. Gasti, Lezioni romane. Letteratura, testi, civiltà, voll. I-III, Torino, Loescher, 2003
- A. Traina, G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario, Bologna, Pàtron, 1995