Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Lettere antiche
Year of study
(24/09/2018 - 09/01/2019)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
MONTANA FAUSTO (titolare) - 6 ECTS
Good knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin languages and literatures. Due to the specialised character of the discipline, it is strongly recommended to undertake this exam not before those of Greek language and literature and Latin language and literature (1st year).
Learning outcomes
The course aims, first of all, at making students familiar with the method of textual criticism in its general features, i.e. as a way of reading a written text and of assessing the textual conditions of written records. More specific objectives are: to know the general historical outline of the transmission of ancient Greek and Latin texts; to know the history and the techniques of the textual criticism (classical scholarship); to handle the vocabulary of textual criticism; to be able to use a critical edition and to read a critical apparatus.
Course contents
The historical grounds of classical scholarship.
A historical outline of Hellenistic scholarship will be traced, particularly focusing on the main personalities, as well as taking into special account philological trends, concepts, methods, technics and tools, in order to allow a comparison with modern textual criticism.


1) Topics and texts (Greek and Latin) proposed during the lectures.
Reference text: F. Montana, La filologia ellenistica. Lineamenti di una storia culturale, Pavia, Pavia University Press, 2012.

2) History of post-Hellenistic classical scholarship.
Reference text: F. Stok, I classici dal papiro a Internet, Roma, Carocci, 2012, ch. 1-4 (pp. 11-181).

To obtain any further information please contact the teacher (
Teaching methods
Lectures. Use of teaching materials made available online (Kiro). Lively interaction will be favored.
Reccomended or required readings
1) Reference texts:

F. Montana, La filologia ellenistica. Lineamenti di una storia culturale, Pavia, Pavia University Press, 2012 (orders to:
F. Stok, I classici dal papiro a Internet, Roma, Carocci, 2012.

2) Further readings on the history of classical scholarship (optional):

– from Greek Classical age to Byzantine age: S. Matthaios-F. Montanari-A. Rengakos (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Greek Scholarship, part I: History, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2015; J.E. Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship, I-III, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1908 (I vol.: 3rd ed. 1920); L.D. Reynolds-N.G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars. A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991 (3rd ed.; 1st ed. 1968; ital. ed.: Copisti e filologi. La tradizione dei classici dall'antichità ai tempi moderni, Padova, Antenore, 3rd ed. 1987);
– especially in Hellenistic age: R. Pfeiffer, History of Classical Scholarship from the Beginnings to the End of the Hellenistic Age, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1968 (ital. ed.: Storia della filologia classica dalle origini alla fine dell'età ellenistica, Napoli, Macchiaroli, 1973); P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, I-III, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1972;
– especially in Byzantine age: N.G. Wilson, Scholars of Byzantium, London, Duckworth, 1996 (2nd ed.; 1st ed. 1983; ital. ed.: Filologi bizantini, Napoli, Morano, 1989);
– especially in modern and contemporary age: L. Lehnus, Appunti di storia degli studi classici. Nuova edizione riveduta e ampliata, Milano, CUEM, 2007.
Assessment methods
The oral examination aims to verify the knowledge of: 1) the contents and ancient texts explained and discussed during the lectures; 2) the main critical and methodological issues of classical philology; 3) the historical outline of classical philology, from antiquity to the present day.
Further information
Teaching material available at Kiro (
To obtain further information, please contact the teacher.
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