Course contents
Subject of the course: Literary Representations of the City
1) Historical study of Latin literature form the beginnings to the 2nd century A.D. (excluding Christian authors)
2) 'From Plautus to Apuleius': anthology of texts
Reading, translation, linguistic and textual analysis and placing within the frame of literary history of the following passages of Latin authors:
- Plauto: Curculio 462-486; Pseudolus 394-405
- Catone: Origines fr. 83 Peter (= Gellio, Notti attiche 3,7,19)
- Terenzio: Heautontimorumenos 35-47; Andria 1-27
- Lucrezio: De rerum natura 1, 1-43; 2, 1-36; 3, 931-962
- Catullo: Carmina 5; 8; 11; 51; 101
- Cesare: De bello civili 1,1-2; 1,3,1-5
- Cicerone: Brutus 307-318; In Catilinam 1,1,1-3; Ad familiares 4,6
- Sallustio: Bellum Catilinae 1-3,2; 5,1-8; Bellum Iugurthinum 41-42,1-4; 63
- Virgilio: Bucoliche 1; 10, 46-69; Georgiche 4, 485-515; Eneide 4, 331-361; 10, 803-832
- Orazio: Satire 1,9; Epodi 6; Odi 1,4; 1,9; 1,11; 2,6; 2,14; 3,30; 4,7
- Properzio: Elegie 1,1; 1,17
- Ovidio: Metamorfosi 10, 162-213; 15, 165-185
- Livio: Ab Urbe condita, praefatio 1-5; praefatio 10-13; 21, 1,1-4
- Seneca: Phaedra 483-558; De constantia sapientis 3,3-5; Consolatio ad Helviam 6; De brevitate vitae 8; De beneficiis 1,13; Epistulae ad Lucilium 1
- Lucano: Bellum civile 2, 284-325; 7, 647-677
- Petronio: Satyricon 71; 85-87
- Plinio il Vecchio: Naturalis historia 14, 2-5
- Quintiliano: Institutio oratoria 1,2,11-16; 2,2,1-8; 10,1,128-130
- Stazio: Tebaide 1, 1-40; 12, 447-463; Silvae 1,3,34-57
- Marziale: Epigrammi 1,4; 1,107; 10,74
- Giovenale: Satire 3, 1-50
- Plinio il Giovane: Epistulae 8,21,1-3; Panegyricus 48
- Tacito: Agricola 30-32,4; Germania 19; Dialogus de oratoribus 28; Historiae 1, 3-4; Annales 1,1
- Apuleio: Metamorfosi 1,1; 9,13; 11,5-6
3) Deep study of the handbook «Propedeutica al latino universitario» (chapters I-VIII)
Reccomended or required readings
For the monographic course: students will be provided with a dossier of texts during the lessons. It will also be possible fond these texts within course materials in Kiro platform
For personal deepening:
- G. Picone, E. Romano, F. Gasti, Lezioni romane. Letteratura, testi, civiltà, voll. I-III, Torino, Loescher, 2003
- A. Traina, G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario, Bologna, Pàtron, 1995