Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Lettere moderne
Year of study
(24/09/2018 - 09/01/2019)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
For foreign students, a good level of linguistic knowledge is requested.
Learning outcomes
Formative objectives:
The aim of the course is to offer a picture of the most meaningful aspects, texts, of the twentieth-century Italian literature, always starting from the readings and the analytical comments of the texts, with necessary philologic and historical-critical elements, together with a continuous connection to the essential lines of foreign modern literatures.
Course contents
Reading and commentary on I. Svevo, La coscienza di Zeno e A. Moravia, Gli indifferenti.

For bibliographic information and suggestions, you can ask the teacher, the tutors and assistants. For foreign students, an alternative and personal programme will be arranged. A good level of knowledge of Italian is also requested to attend the classes.

Programme for students not attending the course
The attendance at the lessons is deeply recommended, the students who cannot attend, are invited to come to speak to the teacher during her consulting hours or to contact her by an email to fix an alternative programme
Teaching methods
Lectures with discussions and verification of various skills, starting from the readings and comment on texts.
Reccomended or required readings
Primary sources:

I. Svevo, Romanzi e continuazioni, Milano, Mondadori, 2004 (anche nell’edizione economica dei «Meridiani paperback»).

A. Moravia, Gli indifferenti, Milano, Bompiani, 2016; Gli indifferenti, Milano, Bompiani, 2007; Id., Opere/1. Romanzi e racconti 1927-1940, Milano, Bompiani, 2000.

Commented Editions:

The following annotated editions are recommended: by F. Vittorini, in I. Svevo, Romanzi e continuazioni, Milano, Mondadori, 2004; by G. Lucchini (Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1987); by A. Stara (Torino, Einaudi, 1993) and G. Palmieri (Giunti, 1994).

Secondary sources

G. Debenedetti, Svevo e Schmitz, in Saggi critici. Seconda serie, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 1971 (ora anche nel «Meridiano»: G. Debenedetti, Saggi, a cura di A. Berardinelli, Milano, Mondadori, 1999, pp. 405-50); G. Còntini, Il romanzo inevitabile, Milano, Mondadori, 1983; M. Lavagetto, L’impiegato Schmitz e altri saggi su Svevo, Torino, Einaudi, 1986; F. Catenazzi, L’italiano di Svevo: tra scrittura pubblica e scrittura privata, Firenze, Olschki, 1994; G. Mazzacurati, Stagioni dell’Apocalisse, Torino, Einaudi, 1998; A. Cavaglion, Italo Svevo, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2000; Stefano Carrai, Il caso clinico di Zeno e altri studi di filologia e critica sveviana, Pisa, Pacini, 2010.

E. Sanguineti, Moravia, Milano, Mursia, 1962; L. Strappini, Le cose e le figure negli Indifferenti di Moravia, Roma, Bulzoni, 1978; R. Esposito, Il sistema dell’in/differenza. Moravia e il fascismo, Bari, Dedalo, 1978; U. Carpi, Gli indifferenti rimossi, in «Belfagor», 6, 1981, pp. 696-709; G. Lauta, La scrittura di Moravia. Lingua e stile dagli Indifferenti ai Racconti romani, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2005, S. Casini, Il romanzo di una vita (introduction to Gli indifferenti, Milano, Bompiani, 2007).

Bibliography for the general part of literature studies: a good knowledge of the twentieth-century literature is requested, with very detailed readings of the texts. Recommended handbook: C. Segre, C. Martignoni, Leggere il mondo, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2001, voll. 7 (Il primo Novecento: tra modernità, avanguardie e rinnovamento) and 8 (Guerra. Dopoguerra. Secondo Novecento).For bibliographic information and suggestions, you can ask the teacher, and the assistants.

For foreign students, an alternative and personal programme will be arranged. A good level of knowledge of Italian is also requested to attend the classes.

Programme for students not attending the course
The attendance at the lessons is deeply recommended, the students who cannot attend, are invited to come to speak to the teacher during her consulting hours or to contact her by an email to fix an alternative programme
Assessment methods
Lectures with discussions and verification of various skills. Oral examination with precise verification of acquired competences, of connection abilities among the subjects dealt during the lessons, and of an appropriate exposition. Possible tests in progress.
Further information
Lectures with discussions and verification of various skills. Oral examination with precise verification of acquired competences, of connection abilities among the subjects dealt during the lessons, and of an appropriate exposition. Possible tests in progress.
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