Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
1st semester (25/09/2017 - 10/01/2018)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
FERRARI MONICA (titolare) - 6 ECTS
Even if there are no particular prerequisites, in the awareness that many students will be approaching Education maybe for the first time during this course, for a proficient participation to the lessons students are expected to have a cultural attitude of willingness to listen, grasp and actively elaborate on the theoretic and practical issues posed by pedagogical analysis.
Learning outcomes
This class is aimed at providing students with the ability to discuss in an informed way and with reference to scientific literature the questions inherent to educational issues as well as at supplying them with the tools for a critical reading of educational phenomena and contexts
Course contents
General Pedagogy B (6 credits-36 hours), professor : Monica Ferrari (the class will take place in the second half of the first semester). Course title: "Training trainers: the reflective approach as educational strategy and opportunity to develop awareness". In the course we will discuss, starting from J. Dewey's classic book "How we think" (1933), the issue of reflexivity in teachers' initial training and continuing education, today at the centre of a vast metodological debate also starting, in Italy, from the experience of the Scuole di Specializzazione all'Insegnamento Secondario (SSIS) and in view of the future developments of the initial training path and recruitment following law no.107 of 13 july 2015. In this debate the question has arisen regarding the training of educational professionals in a lifelong learning perspective, today inevitably connected to the issue of training adults during their working life.
Teaching methods
All the professor's lessons aim at favouring student's active participation and interactive dialogue in group work. The participation of other professors/researchers/experts with an interest in the course topic is possibile.
Reccomended or required readings
GENERAL PEDAGOGY B (6 credits-36 hours): professor Monica FERRARI; Course title: "Training trainers: the reflective approach as educational strategy and opportunity to develop awareness". Reference texts (in the editions that will become available).
Attending students will choose 3 volumes from those indicated below, while non-attending ones will chose 4:
G. Ballanti, Analisi e modificazione del comportamento insegnante, Teramo, Lisciani e Zampetti, 1979;
A. Bondioli, M. Ferrari, M. Marsilio, I. Tacchini, a cura di, I saperi del tirocinio. Formare gli insegnanti nelle SSIS, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006;
J. Dewey (1933), Come pensiamo, trad. it. Milano, RCS Libri, 2000;
M. Ferrari, a cura di, Insegnare riflettendo. Proposte pedagogiche per i docenti della secondaria, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2003;
D. Guglielmi, L. Guerra, a cura di, La formazione iniziale degli insegnanti. Un'indagine sul TFA a Bologna, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2016;
M. Knowles, Self-directed Learning: strumenti e strategie per promuoverlo, trad. it. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2014;
G. De Landsheere (1974), Come si insegna. Analisi delle interazioni verbali in classe, trad. it. Teramo, Lisciani e Zampetti, 1979;
G. De Landsheere, A. Delchambre (1979), I comportamenti non verbali dell'insegnante, trad. it. Teramo, Lisciani e Giunti, 1981;
K. Montalbetti, La pratica riflessiva come ricerca educativa dell'insegnante, Milano, vita e pensiero, 2005;
D. A. Schon (1983), Il professionista riflessivo, trad. it. Bari, Dedalo, 1993;
D. A. Schon (1987), Formare il professionista riflessivo, trad. it. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006;
M. Striano, La razionalità riflessiva nell'agire educativo, Napoli, Liguori, 2001;
S. Ulivieri, a cura di, Insegnare nella scuola secondaria. Per una declinazione della professionalità docente, Pisa, ETS, 2012.
Assessment methods
Oral exam.
-knowledge of the basic texts of the exam programme;
-ability to explain, autonomously, the silver thread that links some of the points in the basic texts, coherently with the exam's programme;
-ability to critically analyse and personally re-elaborate the issue proposed by the course;
-clear and logically coherent presentation;
-lexical accuracy.
Further information
Oral exam.
-knowledge of the basic texts of the exam programme;
-ability to explain, autonomously, the silver thread that links some of the points in the basic texts, coherently with the exam's programme;
-ability to critically analyse and personally re-elaborate the issue proposed by the course;
-clear and logically coherent presentation;
-lexical accuracy.
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