the course is divided into basic and advanced course: basic course will be awarded to students based on enrollment documentation (admission requirements) will not result in appropriate skills (students in this situation will contacted and informed of the activities to be followed to retrieve the initial deficits training), all the other students instead attend the advanced course; you can not switch from one course to another without prior agreement with the teacher.
Course contents
Anthology of Latin prose (the texts will be provided during the lessons).
individual study: Caesar, De bello Gallico, a book by choice or De bello Gallico; Cicero, an oration by choice from: Prima Catilinaria; Pro Archia.
Reccomended or required readings
grammar: V. Tantucci, Urbis et orbis lingua, Bologna, Poseidonia, 1992 or L. Graverini, M. Fucecchi, La lingua latina. Fondamenti di morfologia e sintassi, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2009 or G. Barbieri, Primus liber, Torino, Loescher 2007.
dictionaries: L. Castiglioni, S. Mariotti, IL vocabolario della lingua latina, a cura di P. Parroni, Torino, Loescher 2007 (IV edizione) or G.B. Conte, E. Pianezzola, G. Ranucci, Il Dizionario della lingua latina, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2004; for the beginners useful too V. Mabilia, P. Mastandrea, Il primo latino, Bologna, Zanichelli 2000; for the lexicon useful too F. Piazzi, Lessico essenziale di latino, Bologna, Cappelli 1998
A.Cavarzere, A. De Vivo, P. Mastandrea, Letteratura latina. Una sintesi storica, Roma, Carocci, 2008 or M. Mortarino, M. Reali, G. Turazza, Loci scriptorum. Profilo storico della letteratura latina, Torino, Loescher 2012.
Assessment methods
exam is in oral form, provides language translation and commentary of the texts mentioned above. Students not attending an alternative program may agree with the teacher.
A student from the basic course that in view of the authorization to teaching Latin intends to support more than two mandatory exams in Latin (and thus exceed the 12 credits in the field L-FIL-LET/04 Latin language and literature) will:
1 - take a written test of translation from the Latin, the written test can be argued from the first year of the course and does not expire.
2 - make contact with the professor in charge of the third (and possibly fourth) Latin exam to arrange an additional program.
Further information
exam is in oral form, provides language translation and commentary of the texts mentioned above. Students not attending an alternative program may agree with the teacher.
A student from the basic course that in view of the authorization to teaching Latin intends to support more than two mandatory exams in Latin (and thus exceed the 12 credits in the field L-FIL-LET/04 Latin language and literature) will:
1 - take a written test of translation from the Latin, the written test can be argued from the first year of the course and does not expire.
2 - make contact with the professor in charge of the third (and possibly fourth) Latin exam to arrange an additional program.