Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (26/09/2016 - 11/01/2017)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
There are no prerequisites.
Learning outcomes
Reading Skills in English for the Humanities
The course Lingua inglese -a, aimed at students enrolled in their 3rd year of the undergraduate degree courses in Lettere Moderne and Antichità Classiche e Orientali and lasting one semester (6 CFUs), sets out to improve language proficiency in English (according to a B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) with the aim of developing critical reading skills applied to a variety of texts in the humanities in English.
Course contents
Reading Skills in English for the Humanities
The course Lingua inglese -a, aimed at students enrolled in their 3rd year of the undergraduate degree courses in Lettere Moderne and Antichità Classiche e Orientali and lasting one semester (6 CFUs), sets out to improve language proficiency in English (according to a B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) with the aim of developing critical reading skills applied to a variety of texts in the humanities in English.
The one-term course (2nd term) is aimed at fostering critical reading skills applied to texts in English, which belong to a variety of genres of academic communication in the humanities (textbook, research article, lecture, review, etc.). To this purpose, texts from English speaking writers in various curricular academic disciplines will be analysed with special emphasis on recurrent linguistic patterns, discursive practices and rhetorical perspectives of the various disciplines and genres. The course will focus on several points, including the development of appropriate reading strategies, vocabulary development (including the Academic Word List), reading comprehension and critical reading skills. Assigned readings will focus on intensive reading to develop critical thinking. Outside of class, students are expected to read extensively on any topic and in any genre of interest to them.
The course is integrated with classes by a Collaboratore ed Esperto Linguistico (CEL) aimed at widening vocabulary and knowledge of grammar (level falling between B1 and B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), with a focus on the structures needed to improve reading and comprehension skills of texts in English. CEL's classes will start in the 1st term and last until the end of the semester.
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, recitation classes.
Reccomended or required readings
Thaine, Craig, 2012. Cambridge Academic English B1+ Intermediate. Student's Book. Cambridge University Press.
The texts analysed in class will be downloadable through the Kiro on-line platform.
For grammar and vocabulary:
Murphy, Raymond, 2012. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 4th ed. with Answers and CD-ROM
(alternatively, English Grammar in Use Online, a 12-month renewable subscription, plus the same grammar explanations in the English Grammar in Use fourth edition book with answers).
The following monolingual dictionaries are recommended for self-study and reference (choose one). All have a free on-line version specified in parentheses:
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Collins Cobuild Learners Dictionary of English (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-cobuild-learners);
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (http://www.ldoceonline.com);
Macmillan English Dictionary
(free on-line version at http://www.macmillandictionary.com);
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com)
and one bilingual dictionary, e.g.:
Grande Dizionario Hazon di Inglese 2.0 con WEB-CD
Assessment methods
Students are evaluated through a preliminary test (propaedeutic) and written exam (both administered in the three Summer, Fall and Winter sessions). The first possible exam session is January 2017. They will be assessed on the language proficiency attained with reference to the course objectives (reading and comprehension). For details concerning the propaedeutic test, students are advised to contact the CEL, dr. Angelica Attivissimo (see cla.unipv.it/?page_id=292).
The written exam will be a reading comprehension with both open-ended and multiple choice questions of the type found in the set text (see bibliography). The final evaluation will consist of the propaedeutic test result and reading comprehension score and will also take into consideration students' participation to the text analysis tasks done in class.
Students with a B1 language certificate are exempted from the propaedeutic test and have to sit exclusively the written exam. B2 language certificates are considered equivalent to the entire exam. For more details concerning valid certificates in each degree course, check the Guida Didattica on-line a.a. 2016-2017, available at studiumanistici.unipv.it (Home › Didattica › Guida Didattica, under Lingua inglese -a). Students cannot sit the reading comprehension unless they have taken the preliminary test or handed in an equivalent certificate.
Further information
Students are evaluated through a preliminary test (propaedeutic) and written exam (both administered in the three Summer, Fall and Winter sessions). The first possible exam session is January 2017. They will be assessed on the language proficiency attained with reference to the course objectives (reading and comprehension). For details concerning the propaedeutic test, students are advised to contact the CEL, dr. Angelica Attivissimo (see cla.unipv.it/?page_id=292).
The written exam will be a reading comprehension with both open-ended and multiple choice questions of the type found in the set text (see bibliography). The final evaluation will consist of the propaedeutic test result and reading comprehension score and will also take into consideration students' participation to the text analysis tasks done in class.
Students with a B1 language certificate are exempted from the propaedeutic test and have to sit exclusively the written exam. B2 language certificates are considered equivalent to the entire exam. For more details concerning valid certificates in each degree course, check the Guida Didattica on-line a.a. 2016-2017, available at studiumanistici.unipv.it (Home › Didattica › Guida Didattica, under Lingua inglese -a). Students cannot sit the reading comprehension unless they have taken the preliminary test or handed in an equivalent certificate.
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