Learning outcomes
The course offers a general introduction to the religious systems and the main mythological texts of the ancient Near East (Anatolia, Syria, Mesopotamia) from the third to the first millennium BC.
Course contents
A) General introduction (ca. 20 h.)
The sources for the reconstruction of the religious systems in the ancient Near East; the ancient Near Eastern polytheism and the main deites; the relationship between man and god; the main myths.
B) The poem of Atram-hasis (ca. 10 h.).
C) Seminar (optional): reading of religious and mythological texts in Akkadian (ca 6 h.).
Reccomended or required readings
M.G. Biga, A.M.G. Capomacchia, Il politeismo vicino-orientale. Introduzione alla storia delle religioni del Vicino Oriente antico, Roma 2008.
J. Botteró, S.N. Kramer, Uomini e dèi della Mesopotamia, Torino 1992.
B. Foster, Before the Muses. An Anthology of Akkadian Literature, 3rd ed., Bethesda, Maryland 2005.
F. Pecchioli Daddi, A.M. Polvani, La mitologia ittita, Brescia 1990.