Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (25/09/2017 - 10/01/2018)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
Knowledge of Ancient Greek is not a necessary prerequisite. Students are requested to be curious about contemporary problems and to have a good basic culture to operate interdisciplinary links.
Learning outcomes
The course is composed of two units.
1) Language: the aim is to provide a general foundation in the Neogreek language, in order to cope with a range of everyday communicative situations, when interacting at a basic level, orally and in writing.
2) Literature: The course introduces the Greek literature in its diachronic development through a choice of themes. At the end of the course the students will have to demonstrate critical ability and autonomy of analyzing the texts.
Course contents
• Alphabet, pronunciation and phonetic rules
• Genres: masculine, feminine, neuter
• Constituents of the noun phrase: articles, nouns and adjectives (first type)
• Verbal Morphology. Present tense: "to be" and conjugations (I and II): regular, auxiliary and some irregular verbs; "deponent" verbs
• Personal, possessive, interrogative pronouns; demonstrative pronouns/adjectives
• Numerals
• Prepositions
• Constituents of the verb phrase and use of the tenses
• Main clauses and simple subordinate clauses
• Adverbs: manner,place, time, quantity
• Verbal tenses (perfective and imperfective forms): the case of the future
• Active "aorist" I conjug. and use in subordinate clauses
• Communication in everyday situations
A) Different aspects of Greece: images, dreams, prejudices, stereotypes
B) Modern Greeks and the Ancient; the explosion of modernity
C) Athens, between memory and modernity
An anthology of literary texts will be provided, including: Nobel G.Seferis e O.Elytis, G.Ritsos, G.Ioannou, G.Theotokàs, N.Kazantzakis, V.Vasilikòs, M.Kumandareas
Teaching methods
Lectures based on powerpoint slides, texts, supplementary teacher's explainations, videos and films.
Reccomended or required readings
Student Book: Ellinika A'. Methodos ekmathisis tis ellinikis os xenis glossas (epipeda A1+A2), Pavlopoulou A., Simòpoulos G., Kanellopoulou R., Pathiaki I., Edizioni Pataki, Atene 2010
-Greco moderno-italiano, italiano-greco moderno, Seconda edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna 2013
-Greco antico-neogreco e italiano. Dizionario dei prestiti e dei parallelismi, a cura di A.Kolonia e M.Peri, Zanichelli, Bologna 2008
History of Neogreek Language: selected pages from important essays (in Italian/English)
Literature and Culture:
-Mario Vitti, Storia della letteratura neogreca, Carocci, Roma 2001
-Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba il greco, Crocetti editore 2011
-A chapter from Gilda Tentorio, Binari, ruote & ali in Grecia. Immagini letterarie e veicoli di senso, UniversItalia, Roma 2015
-Collection of essays provided by the teacher
-History : Richard Clogg, Storia della Grecia moderna : dalla caduta dell'impero bizantino a oggi Bompiani, Milano 1996 (trad. Andrea Di Gregorio); Thanos Beremes-J.Koliopoulos, La Grecia moderna: una storia che inizia nel 1821, Argo, Lecce 2014
Assessment methods
Oral examination, after a written test (comprehension and production). The oral exam consists of two parts. Language: conversation in Neogreek to check the level. Literature: Critical Analysis of selected essays pages.
Non-attending students and Erasmus students are invited to contact the teacher.
Further information
Non-attending students and Erasmus students are invited to contact the teacher for an alternative program.
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