Learning outcomes
In a general sense, the aim is the acquisition of the concept of "material source" for the ancient history; from the artistic point of view, the definition of Greek Art as a cultural phenomenon in which there isn't a monolithic system but a close relationship between space and time in order to the formation of artistic creations; about the Roman world the developpement of the concept of "arte al plurale" (S.Settis).
Course contents
After a short introduction about the problem of Roman Art, the study will devote itself to the history of the definition of the city of Rome and its urban changes during the monarchic and republican periods till the imperial era, and to the diffusion of Roman art and handicraft, with a particular attention to the statuary.
Reccomended or required readings
M.Torelli – M.Menichetti – G.L.Grassigli, Arte e archeologia del mondo romano, Milano 2008.
P.Zanker, Arte romana, Bari 2008.
Recommended bibliography:
F.Fabiani, L’urbanistica: città e paesaggi, Roma 2014
Students who can't attend the course must add:
F.Coarelli, Cultura artistica e società, in Storia di Roma II,1, pp.159-185.
P.Zanker, Immagini e valori collettivi, in Storia di Roma II, 2, pp. 193 ss.
G.Bejor – M. Castoldi – C.Lambrugo – E.Panero, Botteghe e artigiani.Marmorari, bronzisti, ceramisti e vetrai nell’antichità classica, Milano 2012 (cap. 1, sculpture, G.Bejor; cap. 4, roman pottery, E.Panero)