Course contents
In the first part we will analyse:
- the idea of Pre-Roman Italy
- sources and methods for the study of pre-roman Italy
- typology and chronology
In the second part we will examine the different italic groups (Celts, Ligurians, Umbrians, etc.) through the
following aspects:
- settlement
- funerary practices
- social structure
– trade
- cult practices
- artistic and artisanal production
Reccomended or required readings
Students are required to study, in addition to the course notes, one of the following texts:
- M. Pallottino, Storia della prima Italia, Milano 1984, Rusconi ed.
- F. Pesando (a cura di), L’Italia antica. Culture e forme del popolamento nel I millennio a. C., Roma 2005, Carocci ed.
- Nel volume M. Aberson et al. (c.), Entre archéologie et histoire: dialogues sur divers peuples de l’Italie preromaine, Peter Lang 2014:
i due saggi sui Volsci (pp. 245-277).
Students who are unable to attend classes are required to study, in addition to n. 1 and n. 2, the following texts:
- Nel volume Storia di Roma, vol. I, Einaudi 1988:
D. Musti, “I Greci e l’Italia”, pp. 39-51;
M. Torelli, “Le popolazioni dell’Italia antica: società e forme del potere”, pp. 53-74.
- dal su citato M. Aberson et al. (c.), Entre archéologie et histoire altri due popoli a scelta tra: Sabini (pp. 127-147), Sanniti (pp. 205-241), Campani (pp. 281-307).