Learning outcomes
The course will concern the basic contents and competences, related to anthropological, social, economic, religious, cultural side, to know the peculiarities of early modern West and their trend to contemporaneity. It focuses the topic of periodization and, analysing the main types of sources for early modern history, provides the basis to start students to historical research.
Course contents
Problems and connections of early modern history in Europe: from the crisis of Italian peninsula and from geographic discoveries and expansion of West to French revolution, focusing the origins of the modern State, Protestant Reformation, relations between State and Church, social and economic European structures during Ancien Régime, the opposite poles rebellion/revolution.
Some topics will be discussed from the perspective of world history
Reccomended or required readings
Reading list
A) Attending students (two thirds of lessons ) lead to examination :
A) A. Spagnoletti, Il mondo moderno, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005
B) C. Capra, Storia moderna, Firenze, Le Monnier Università 2011
G. Gullino, G. Muto, R. Sabbatini e A. Caracausi, Storia Moderna. Manuale per l'Università, EDISES, Napoli, 2014
Aids for the study are historical atlas (f.i. G. Duby, Atlante storico. La storia del mondo in 317 carte, Torino, Sei, 2000; Atlante storico, Milano Garzanti, 2003 (Le Garzantine) and other guide-books, such as M.T. Silvestrini, Le date della storia moderna , Roma, Carocci, 2001.
Moreover, non attending students will study one of following monographies:
A. Padgen, Signori del mondo. Ideologie dell’impero in Spagna, Gran Bretagna e Francia. 1500-1800, Bologna, il Mulino 2005.
M. Livi Bacci, Conquista, La distruzione degli indios americani, Bologna, il Mulino 2005.
L. Hunt, La rivoluzione francese. Politica, cultura, classi sociali, Bologna, il Mulino 1989 (ristampa 2007).