Learning outcomes
Present the most influential philosophical theories on truth, epistemic justification, knowledge. Introduce philosophical scepticism.
Course contents
In this course we shall address issues that lie at the intersection between the philosophy of language and epistemology. We shall begin by inspecting G. Moore, B. Russell and L. Wittgenstein’s early Twentieth Century correspondentist views on truth. Then we shall move to inspect some main epistemological consequences of the correspondence theory of truth relating to scepticism and the possibility of knowledge. We shall address the most influential sceptical arguments and the mains attempts at responding to these arguments defended by philosophers like G. Moore, L. Wittgenstein, H. Putnam, R. Nozick, C. Wright e D. Pritchard.
Reccomended or required readings
T. Piazza, Che cos’è la conoscenza, Carocci, 2017.
A. Sereni, C. Calabi, G. Volpe, A. Coliva (a cura di), Teorie della conoscenza, Cortina, 2016.
A. Coliva, Scetticismo. Dubbio, paradosso e conoscenza, Laterza, 2012.
H. Putnam, Ragione, Verità e Storia, Il Saggiatore, 1994.
G. Volpe, La verità, Carocci, 2012.
D. Marconi, Per la verità, Einaudi, 2007.