Learning outcomes
This course aims to introduce students, through the analysis of both literary and non-literary texts, to the peculiarities of Russian cultural reality and to the significant moments that have characterized its evolution
Reccomended or required readings
• A. Cechov, Sachalin (selected chapters), Editori Riuniti 1985, La steppa.
• I. Babel', I racconti di Odessa (selected chapters)
• M. Bulgakov, Piccola prosa (selected chapters)
• V. Salamov, I racconti della Kolyma, Einaudi 1999 (selected chapters)
• V. Nekrasov, Nelle trincee di Stalingrado, Mondadori, 2009
• R. Rasputin, Il villaggio sommerso, Editori Riuniti 1980
• V. Aksjonov, Il biglietto stellato, Mondadori, 2009
• S. Dovlatov, Regime speciale, Sellerio, 2002
• D. Lichacev, La mia Russia, Einaudi 1999 (selected chapters)
Critical sources
R. Bartlett, Storia della Russia, Mondadori, 2007, pp. 1-298
G.P. Piretto, Indirizzo: Unione Sovietica. 25 luoghi di un altro mondo, Sironi 2015
T. Terzani, Buonanotte, Signor Lenin, Longanesi, 1992
Students who do not attend the lectures and students of Master Degrees are requested to contact the teacher at the beginni9ng of the course