Reccomended or required readings
- A. Afanas'ev, Russkie narodnye skazki (selection) (
- A. Sumarokov, Pritci (selection)(
- I. Krylov, Basni (selection) (
- A. Puskin, Skazka o care Saltane, Skazka o rybake i rybke, Skazka o zolotom petuske (
- M. Lermontov, Asik-Kerib (
- S. Aksakov, Alen'kij cvetocek (
- V. Odoevskij, Gorodok v tabakerke (
- V. Dal', Skazki (selection) (
- M. Saltykov-Scedrin, Skazki (selection) (
- L. Tolstoj, Skazki (selection) (
- K. Cukovskij, Krokodil, Ajbolit, Mucha-Cokotucha, Tarakanisce, Mojdodyr (
- S. Marsak, Skazka o glupom mysonke, Skazka ob umnom mysonke, Otcego kosku nazvali koskoj? (vostocnaja skazka)
- J. Olesa, Tri tolstjaka
- E. Svarc, Golyj korol'
Critical works
- Course notes
- V. Propp, Morphology of the folktale (any edition)
- A. Achmatova, Poslednjaja skazka Puskina (
Students can consult the following handbooks in order to revise the writers discussed in the course:
- Storia della civiltà letteraria russa, diretta da Michele Colucci e Riccardo Picchio, vol. 2 Il Novecento, UTET, Torino 1997
- Storia della letteratura russa. Il Novecento, diretta da E. Etkind, G. Nivat, I. Serman e V. Strada, vol. 1-3, Einaudi, Torino 1989
Students have to write a paper in Russian on a subject related to the course chosen by previous agreement with the lecturer.
2) Bibliography (for Russian literature b (c.p.), 3 CFU)
- Psaltir' v russkoj poezii, Moskva, 1995
- A.B. Siskin, "Poeticeskoe sostjazanie Trediakovskogo, Lomonosova i Sumarokova", XVIII vek, sb. 14, Nauka, leningrad, 1983, pp. 232-246 (
- M.S. Grinberg, B.A. Uspenskij, Literaturnaja vojna Trediakovskogo i Sumarokogo v 1740-ch - nacale 1750-ch godov, RGGU, Moskva, 2001 (
- Course notes
Students have to write a paper in Russian on a subject related to the course chosen by previous agreement with the lecturer.
Students who do not attend the lectures are requested to contact the lecturer.
Materials and books included in the bibliography are available in the Department of Humanistic Studies, Section of Foreign Languages and Literatures.