Course contents
Monographic section
"La poesía de Juan Ramón Jiménez"
Juan Ramón Jiménez, "Antología poética", edición de Javier Blasco, Madrid, Cátedra, 2010 (Letras Hispánicas 19).
Two papers chosen from those published in the monograph of "Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos", 376-378 (1981) - to be chosen in the: "Los temas de Juan Ramón", "La obra de Juan Ramón", "Obras de Juan Ramón".
Conduct of examination:
the candidate must be able to explain in Spanish the topics covered during the course, and must be able to translate and comment on literary texts included in the program, and know the works listed in the bibliography.
Institutional section
Letteratura spagnola del Medio Evo
C. Alvar, J.-C. Mainer, R. Navarro, Breve historia de la literatura española, Madrid, Alianza: “La Edad media”, pp. 15-231.
G. Caravaggi, A. D’Agostino, Antologia della letteratura spagnola. Dalle origini al Quattrocento, Milano, LED, 1996: capp. II, III, IV (but pp. 62-71), V, VI, VIII, X (only Elena y María, pp. 168-172), XI (except pp. 202-215), XIII, XV, XVI, XVII, XIX (only Jorge Manrique, pp. 345-356), XXI, XXVIII, XIX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV).
L. Gentilli, G. Mazzocchi, J. Sepúlveda, Antologia della letteratura spagnola. I secoli d’oro, Milano, LED, 1996: only chap. X, “La Celestina”, pp. 353-368.
Conduct of examination:
the candidate must be able to explain in Spanish the history of Spanish literature from its origins at the time of the Catholic Kings in its development and essential with particular attention to selected texts.