Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide basic knowledge of the origins of the Slavs, their division and their first written production from the historical and literary point of view. The course provides basic knowledge of Slavic linguistics and of Old Church Slavonic grammar. In the second part of the course Slavic Medieval texts will be analyzed.
Course contents
The course deals with the study of Old Church Slavonic in depth. It deals with Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic written production too. Passages from Slavic Medieval works will be analyzed from the historical, literary and linguistic point of view.
Reccomended or required readings
M. Garzaniti, Gli slavi. Storia, culture e lingue dalle origini ai nostri giorni , a cura di F. Romoli, Carocci editore, Roma 2013, pp. 190-344
R. Picchio, Lo slavo ecclesiastico, in Letteratura della Slavia ortodossa, Roma-Bari 1991, pp. 103-143
Course notes and materials handed out during the lectures
On Old Church Slavonic grammar:
Course notes and materials handed out during the lectures
N. Marcialis, Introduzione alla lingua paleoslava, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2005, especially pp. 77-251 (only pages dealing with the subjects discussed during the lectures)
Reference handbooks:
A. Vaillant, Manuel du vieux slave, t. 1, Paris 1964 or
H.G. Lunt, Old Church Slavonic Grammar, Den Haag 1974 or
V.F. Krivcik, N.S. Mozejko, Staroslavjanskij jazyk, Minsk 1985 or
A.M. Schenker, The Dawn of Slavic, Yale UP 1995
Materials handed out during the lectures and books included in the bibliography are available in the Department of Humanistic Studies, Section of Foreign Languages and Literature
Students who do not attend the lectures are requested to contact the lecturer.