Learning outcomes
The course deals with the study of Church Slavonic and the main aspects of the Medieval literary tradition in Slavia Orthodoxa (concerning especially the East Slavic area). The course aims to provide linguistic, philological and literary knowledge required to analyze literary texts.
Reccomended or required readings
- Zitie protopopa Avvakuma im samim napisannoe i drugie ego socinenija, pod. red. N.K. Gudzija, Moskva, 1960 (feb-web.ru/feb/avvakum/default.asp)
- Avvakum, Vita dell'arciprete Avvakum scritta da lui stesso, Milano, 1986
- V.M. Zivov, "Religioznaja reforma i individual'noe nacalo v russkoj literature XVII veka", in Razyskanija v oblasti istorii i predystorii russkoj kul'tury, Moskva, 2002, p. 319-343 (http://ruthenia.ru/fest/w/zhivov2002.pdf)
- A.M. Pancenko, "Avvakum kak novator", Russkaja literatura, N. 4, 1982, p. 142-152 (http://panchenko.pushkinskijdom.ru/Default.aspx?tabid=2328)
- P.H. Hunt, "The Autobiography of the Archpriest Avvakum: Structure and Function", Ricerche Slavistiche, XXIII, 1975-1976, p. 57-70
- Course notes and materials handed out during the lectures.
Students have to write a short paper on a subject related to the course chosen by previous agreement with the lecturer.
Students who do not attend the lectures are requested to contact the lecturer.
Materials and books included in the bibliography are available in the Department of Humanistic Studies, Section of Foreign Languages and Literatures Department.