Course contents
Cinema and History. The Death of the Tyrants
Cinema maintains various and different connections with the combination of events and facts known as History. Among them, the course will deal with the most relevant ones (deepening in particular some specific issues, for example, the identification of the technical image with a document, the use of iconographic sources in historical research, the conception of audiovisual language as an instrument that allows to testimony the reality). Furthermore, it aims to focus on the modalities with which media as photography, cinema and new technologies have given visibility to the dead bodies of famous political leaders during the XIX century and the recent past, pointing therefore some paths that permit to face the “death of the tyrants” through peculiar kinds of encounter with their corpse.
Reccomended or required readings
1) Obligatory:
-«La Valle dell'Eden», Cinema e storia, VI, nn. 12-13, july/december 2003 (pp. 11-65);
-Pietro Montani, L' immaginazione intermediale. Perlustrare, rifigurare, testimoniare il mondo visibile, Laterza, Bari-Roma 2010
2) A chosen volume amongs:
-Peter Burke, Testimoni oculari. Il significato storico delle immagini, Carocci, Roma 2013;
-Giovanni De Luna, La passione e la ragione. Il mestiere dello storico contemporaneo, Mondadori, Milano 2004;
-Lorenzo Donghi, Scenari della Guerra al Terrore. Visualità bellica, testimonianza, autoritrattistica, Bulzoni, Roma 2016 (forthcoming publication);
-Marc Ferro, Cinema e storia. Linee per una ricerca, Feltrinelli, Milano 1980;
-Peppino Ortoleva, Cinema e storia. Scene del passato, Loescher, Torino 1991;
3) Various essays provided during the course