Enrollment year
Academic discipline
2nd semester (27/02/2017 - 01/06/2017)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
attainment of English Language 1
Course contents
course title: English Lexis and Syntax in Meaning Construction
The course focuses on morpho-syntactic and lexical aspects involved in the construction of meaning in diverse typologies of written and spoken texts and in specific academic and professional contexts of the English language, also through recourse to electronic resources and corpora. Moving from the study of English verbs, their valency grammar, syntactic alternation and semantic verb classes, and by applying the most recent approaches to the analysis of the linguistic organization and information structure packaging, the course deals with morphological, lexical, syntactic and illocutionary constructions, also through translation and contrastive analysis with data from the Italian language, with the aim of enhancing the students' competence useful for a descriptive, analytic and critical discussion of phenomena at diverse levels of linguistic and textual complexity. Furthermore, the course gives particular emphasis to the phonetics and phonology of the English language.
The course is integrated with language tutorials held by CELs (collaboratori ed esperti linguistici) over the first and second semester. Moving from an initial B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the overall aim of the second-year syllabus is to develop the linguistic skills of listening, reading, speaking, writing and translating. Since much emphasis is given to translation from and into Italian, Erasmus students can choose this course only on condition that they possess a C1-level CEFR Proficiency Certificate of the Italian Language. During the workshops offered in the first and second semester, tutors will help students practice the language skills.
Teaching methods
Reccomended or required readings
(curriculum 'Lingue per l'Impresa' e curriculum 'Linguistico-Filologico-Letterario'):
Hancock M. (2012). English Pronunciation in Use - Intermediate with answers and Audio CDs plus CD-ROM. Cambridge, CUP.
Dispense a cura della docente (disponibili presso la Libreria CLU a partire da febbraio 2015)
Brinton L. & Brinton D. (2010). 'The Internal Structure of Words and Processes of Word Formation'. In L.Brinton & D.Brinton, The Linguistic Structure of Modern English. Amsterdam-Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp.: 79-112.
Brinton L. & Brinton D. (2010). 'Lexical Semantics'. In L.Brinton & D.Brinton, The Linguistic Structure of Modern English. Amsterdam-Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp.: 143-182.
Brinton L. & Brinton D. (2010). 'Information Structuring and Speech Act Theory'. In L.Brinton & D.Brinton, The Linguistic Structure of Modern English. Amsterdam-Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp.: 324-352.
- per il curriculum 'Lingue per l'Impresa':
Gotti M. (2006). 'The Language of Tourism as Specialized Discourse'. In O.Palusci & S.Francesconi, Translating Tourism. Trento, EUST: pp. 15-34.
Partington Alan (1998). “Metaphor”. IN Patterns and Meaning. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Chapter 7: pp. 107-120.
- per il curriculum 'Linguistico-Filologico-Letterario':
Adams, Valerie (2001). Complex Words in English. London: Longman. Chapter 10: pp. 121-132.
Baicchi A. (2002). 'The Translation of Personality: Prismatic Dynamics of Emotive Markers'. In A.Serpieri & K.Elam, On Literary Translation, Textus XIV, pp. 145-162.
Gli studenti sono tenuti ad esercitarsi autonomamente con i seguenti testi:
Conrad, S. et al. (2002), Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Workbook with keys. London, Longman.
Roach, P. (2009). English Phonetics and Phonology. Paperback with Audio CDs (2): A Practical Course. Cambridge University Press.
Grammatiche di consultazione:
Biber D. et al. (2002). Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. London, Longman.
Downing, A. & P. Locke (2007). A University Course in English Grammar. London, Routledge.
Dizionario per la pronuncia
Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (con CD-Rom).
Dizionari consigliati
un monolingue a scelta fra:
Cambridge Learner's Dictionary;
Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary of English;
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English;
Macmillan English Dictionary (online free version at http://www.macmillandictionary.com);
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
e un bilingue :
Picchi, F. Grande Dizionario di Inglese con CD-ROM, Milano, Hoepli, 2002.
Assessment methods
Oral examination and preliminary tests.
In the oral examination students will be assessed on the knowledge of the course contents as well as on the linguistic competence attained with reference to the course objectives. The oral exam will be preceded by a preliminary test aimed at assessing the student's global language competence. Such preliminary test is composed of the docente's holistic test ('Reading Comprehension') and the CEL's tests (assessments). The docente's holistic test is held in the three sessions of May/June, August/September and January/February.
As for the language tutorials (didattica integrativa), students will be evaluated as follows:
(a) written and oral assessments ('prove parziali') or the unified preliminary language test ('prova globale');
(b) once the students have attained positive results in each and all of the assessments or the unified preliminary language test, they are allowed to sit the final oral exam with the 'docente'.
Moving from an initial B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the overall aim of the second-year syllabus is to develop the linguistic skills of listening, reading, speaking, writing and translating. Since much emphasis is given to translation from and into Italian, Erasmus students can choose this course only on condition that they possess a C1-level CEFR Proficiency Certificate of the Italian Language.
Students who attend a minimum of 70% of the 'didactic integrativa' will have the option of taking the assessments during the year. Students who do not meet the 70% attendance requirement may take the unified test in June, August/September or January/February.
N.B. _No dictionary is allowed for any tests_. The preliminary tests, if passed, are valid for 13 months.
Further information
Oral examination and preliminary tests.
In the oral examination students will be assessed on the knowledge of the course contents as well as on the linguistic competence attained with reference to the course objectives. The oral exam will be preceded by a preliminary test aimed at assessing the student's global language competence. Such preliminary test is composed of the docente's holistic test ('Reading Comprehension') and the CEL's tests (assessments). The docente's holistic test is held in the three sessions of May/June, August/September and January/February.
As for the language tutorials (didattica integrativa), students will be evaluated as follows:
(a) written and oral assessments ('prove parziali') or the unified preliminary language test ('prova globale');
(b) once the students have attained positive results in each and all of the assessments or the unified preliminary language test, they are allowed to sit the final oral exam with the 'docente'.
Moving from an initial B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the overall aim of the second-year syllabus is to develop the linguistic skills of listening, reading, speaking, writing and translating. Since much emphasis is given to translation from and into Italian, Erasmus students can choose this course only on condition that they possess a C1-level CEFR Proficiency Certificate of the Italian Language.
Students who attend a minimum of 70% of the 'didactic integrativa' will have the option of taking the assessments during the year. Students who do not meet the 70% attendance requirement may take the unified test in June, August/September or January/February.
N.B. _No dictionary is allowed for any tests_. The preliminary tests, if passed, are valid for 13 months.
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