Enrollment year
Academic discipline
2nd semester (22/02/2016 - 28/05/2016)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
elementary knowledge of German.
Learning outcomes
Introduction to the fundamentals of German linguistics.
Course contents
The course will provide students with a sound introduction to the basic concepts of German linguistic.
Classes will especially analyse: the syntactical constructions of the German sentences; syntactical explanation-models; word-formation, reading and comprehension.
of autentic texts.
Non-attending students are required to develop a sound knowledge of the basic concepts of German linguistics based on the given bibliography.
There will be tutorials for exercising the analytical skills acquired during the course. Students will be asked to work on specific exercises to practically integrate the theoretical frameworks. The exercises are part of the exam program.
Lectures; Individual work on the assigned texts and class assessment.
Students are furthermore asked to acquire the basic sociolinguistic topics about the German language by reading selected parto of: La lingua tedesca. La storia, i testi: FACHSPRACHEN; FEMINISTISCHE LINGUISTIK, JUGENDSPRACHE, MORPHOLOGIE, NIEDERDEUTSCH, ÖSTERREICH, PHONETIK, RECHTSCHREIBUNG, SCHWEIZ, SPRACHKONTAKT, SPRACHWANDEL-SPRACHVARIATION
In addition to the Course, there is ‘didattica integrativa’ with C.E.L.s (Collaboratori ed esperti linguistici), in which students should develop writing, listening, speaking and grammar skills at the A2 level (Common European Framework)
First-year as well as one-year students will have to sit a Placement-test to assess their group of German ‘didattica integrativa’.
Teaching methods
Lectures; Individual work on the assigned texts and class assessment.
Reccomended or required readings
Attending students:
Dispense ed eserciziario relativo (tutorato)
D. Mazza, La lingua tedesca. La storia, i testi, Carocci
(cap. 5 pgg. 191-194, 239-265 + lettura e analisi dei testi visti a lezione)
S. Bosco Coletsos, Il tedesco lingua compatta, Ed. dell’Orso
H. Blühdorn, M. Foschi, Leggere e comprendere il tedesco, Pisa University Press
Non-attending students:
D. Mazza, La lingua tedesca. La storia, i testi, Carocci
(cap. 5 pgg. 191-194, 239-265 + lettura e analisi di 15 testi a scelta)
S. Bosco Coletsos, Il tedesco lingua compatta, Ed. dell’Orso
H. Blühdorn, M. Foschi, Leggere e comprendere il tedesco, Pisa University Press
2 saggi a scelta da una lista che verrà messa a disposizione
Ulteriore bibliografia di consultazione
M.G., Saibene, Grammatica descrittiva della lingua tedesca, Nis
H. Dreyer R. Schmitt, Grammatica tedesca con esercizi, Hueber
G.L. Beccaria, Dizionario di linguistica, Einaudi
Didattica integrativa
Text-book (depending on the result of the Placement-test)
gruppo IA - Daf kompakt A1/B1, Klett
gruppo IA+ - Daf kompakt A1/B1, Klett
gruppo I B - Daf kompakt B1, Klett
Assessment methods
Oral examination in Italian or German, as preferred.
During the final exam, students will have to show they have acquired a good knowledge of basic concepts and topics as well as the necessary descriptive and analytical skills to discuss in academically appropriate manners the topics presented during the course.
• Didattica integrativa
Preliminary language tests
To verify if the required level has been achieved, students have to take all assessments (for students who attend a minimum of 70%) or the unified preliminary language test. Speaking skills will be assessed only if students have passed all written tests: the conversation will deal with general subjects and texts from a reading-list which will be available at the beginning of the academic year.
Both oral and written language tests are preliminary to the exam.
Further information
Oral examination in Italian or German, as preferred.
During the final exam, students will have to show they have acquired a good knowledge of basic concepts and topics as well as the necessary descriptive and analytical skills to discuss in academically appropriate manners the topics presented during the course.
• Didattica integrativa
Preliminary language tests
To verify if the required level has been achieved, students have to take all assessments (for students who attend a minimum of 70%) or the unified preliminary language test. Speaking skills will be assessed only if students have passed all written tests: the conversation will deal with general subjects and texts from a reading-list which will be available at the beginning of the academic year.
Both oral and written language tests are preliminary to the exam.
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