Enrollment year
Academic discipline
2nd semester (26/02/2018 - 01/06/2018)
Lesson hours
72 lesson hours
no prerequisite
Learning outcomes
To obtain:
a deep knowledge of the main features of the medieval philosophical thought; an extensive information on the current historiographical debate related to the topic; the capacity to appropriately use the philosophical terminology and the argumentative features, the developing of a reflective approach to texts; a suitable use of the Italian language in the presentation of the acquired knowledge.
Course contents
Goal of the course is the depiction of the medieval thought considered through its institutional structures and its main doctrinal traditions (philosophical-scientific and theological). Major attention will be given to the cultural turns that mark the wide chronological period analysed (IV-XIV centuries).
The course proposes the reading and comment of sections and chapters of the most significant texts studied.
The course is divided into two parts, in the first it will be considered the period between the fourth and twelfth centuries, in the second part the period between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries.
-the separation of the course in didactic modules A and B applies only to the students of Letters.
-the students of Letters (to whom the course gives 6 cfu) which are willing to add this course to their study plan will attend a three-month term according to their own academic interests (thus choosing among the first or the second period of the Middle Ages, that is between the patristic and monastic age – IV-XI centuries – and the scholastic thought – XII-XV centuries).
Teaching methods
Reccomended or required readings
-M. Pereira, La filosofia nel Medioevo. Secoli VI-XV, Carocci editori, Roma 2008.
In addition, the professor will constitute a wide anthology of sections or chapters of Latin medieval texts translated into Italian (explained and commented during the course).All these texts are available to students in the platform KIRO.
The program is also valid for non-attending students; they are still required to contact the teacher.
Assessment methods
Oral examination: the student must be able to present and comment the texts present in the Kiro UniPV platform (Pavia University's Didactic Portal) and to demonstrate the knowledge of authors, texts, and fundamental lines in the history of medieval thought.
Further information
Oral examination: the student must be able to present and comment the texts present in the Kiro UniPV platform (Pavia University's Didactic Portal) and to demonstrate the knowledge of authors, texts, and fundamental lines in the history of medieval thought.
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